Friday, May 31, 2019
Emotional Release: Benefits of Art Therapy Essay -- Art Therapy
Title Emotional Release Benefits of ruse Therapy A 6-year-old girl sits next to her therapist, with signs of anxiety upon her face. Pieces of paper, pencil and some markers are placed in front of the girl. She is hesitant to speak out, only when these colors do help release some of the tension in the air. She begins to draw and paint, in a matter of xv minutes she finishes with a sequence of fourteen pictures A little girl pig is attacked by a man who wax her with a crowing circumvent and hits her in the face with a stone, although she has done nothing wrong to him. So the police come and take the man away in their car, under a blanket, and the little pig is taken to hospital by ambulance, real bad hurt. Its a very long way. In hospital, she is put a stretcher, also under a blanket, and taken for an x-ray. Shes real worried about it and her mother doesnt know shes been hurt. In the x-ray picture, sticks and big lumps of stone can be seen inside the pig, where the man has wounded her. The little pig is so ill, she looks sick and her face is still damaged, she might die she is loss to get better? Shes a bit better just a bad eye now shes really better, wearing a pretty dress, decorated with a red heart. The End (Murphy 1). Estimates predict more than 3.3 million children experience verbal or spousal abuse each year, (Osofsky 3) but not all can tell such complete or symbolic stories what many choose to do with art materials is make a fantastic mess. Through just this story, many significant themes for the abused child can be reflected the experience of physical damage, the trepidation of dying, ruleings of isolation, the absence of the mother, the sense of injustice, the longing to feel whole an... ...02).Creativityin art therapy Prime mover or silent partner.Ph.D. dissertation, The Florida State University, United States -- Florida. Web. 15 Nov. 2010.Malchiodi, Cathy A. (2006). The art therapy sourcebook. McGraw-Hill Professional. Web. 3 Dec. 2010.Murphy, By Jenny. (2001). Art therapy with young survivors of sexual abuse lost for words.PsychologyPress.Web.14 Dec. 2010.Osofsky, J.The Impact of Violence on Children.The Future of Children Domestic Violence and Children(1999) 9(3)33-49. Web. 12 Dec. 2010.Specht, Sanne.(30July). A Picture Is charge The stories behind the art therapy pieces on display as compelling as those of the young artists.McClatchy-Tribune Business News. Web.15 Nov. 2010.Wolff, Rudi. (2007,May). Engaging art.Behavioral Healthcare,27(5),34-5.Web. 20 Nov. 2010.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Biblical References in The Matrix :: Film, Movie, Matrix
While many may appreciate The Matrix for its over-the- unclutter fight scenes, there is much to be gained from the films biblical references that gives us a deeper and richer understanding of the film. The Matrix series is much more than an action-packed sci-fi thriller. afterward one view of this film for the second and third time, we start to notice a great deal of symbolism. This symbolism starts to paint a completely antithetic picture than the images of existence battling machines. It is a religious story, with symbols deeply set in the rescuerian faith. The Matrix contains religious symbolism through its four main characters, Morpheus, neo, common chord and Cypher. In that each character personifies the Father, the Son, Satan, and the Holy Spirit of the Christian beliefs only shown through the amazing performances of the actors. A critic by the name of Shawn Levy say The Matrix slams you back in your chair, pops open your eyes and leaves your jaw hanging slack in amazement.( The protagonist Thomas Anderson in the series is one of billions of humans connected to the Matrix, he is a quiet programmer for the respectable software company Metacortex. Thomas Anderson is the character in the movie whose later alias becomes Neo. Which an anagram for the one a name that is most profound parallel to the Bible. Coincidence I think not. Neo is the Christ-figure in The Matrix who is sent to forgive men from their fallen and enslaved state Zion that is the last human city on earth, paralleling the Zion of the Bible. Morpheus and other believers herald him as the One. Neo or Christ sets humans gratuitous from the matrix or sin as agent Smith who in terms is Satan. Neo has a resurrection scene at the end of the first instalment of The Matrix. In this scene Smith kills him, and his coming back to life serves as a testament to his power, and sets the stage for Neos final sacrifice at the end of the third movie. It is the scene at the end of the trilogy when Neo makes his Christ-like death. After this sacrifice, Neo is lifted into the sky, the same way one might describe Christs resurrection. Neos performance was so good that famous hollywood director Quienten
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Willie Stark as Huey Long Essay -- Literary Analysis, Robert Penn War
Robert Penn Warrens novel, All the Kings workforce depicts the tale of the rise of a semi semipolitical leader named Willie simple(a). Many readers have speculated that Warren based Willie simple(a)s character on Huey big, a controversial, political leader from Louisiana who was prominent during the first 1900s. Although Robert Penn Warren has repeatedly denied that Willie consummate(a) is a fancied portrait of Huey dogged, many aspects of the novel directly correlate to the political c arer and personal life of Huey Long (Payne). Robert Penn Warren creates a character whose experiences and political career directly correlate to the events in Huey Longs life. The speculations that Willie naked is a fictional representation of Huey Long are indisputable due to the events in the novel and the characterization of Willie Stark,Huey Long came from a low-down background. His father, Huey Pierce Long, senior was a livestock farmer from Winn Parish, wiz of the poorest paris hes in a very poor state ( Willie Stark also hailed from a modest background. Penn describes Willie as a red-faced and red-necked farm boy demonstrating humble roots similar to those of Huey Long (7, Warren). Willie also comes from a low class family, which enables him to identify with the common man of society. For example, during his unprepared speech in front of the convenient store, Willie uses Germanic diction and speaks to the folks in the town of his being called to come home and the importance of roots (16-17). Huey and Willies upbringings are clearly a familiarity between the two men and directly impact their personalities and decisions that they make throughout their lives. Perhaps a more concrete example of the association between the fictional Will... ... described as a man whobathes daily in a swamp of corruption, including casual infidelity (Keller). Willie Starks actual death in the novel symbolizes Huey Longs death in the election for mayor fol lowing the unveiling of his less than unexceptionable actions. Although Robert Penn Warren denies the assumptions that Willie Stark was created as a fictional representation of Huey Long, the correlations between the novel, All the Kings Men and Huey Longs life are indisputable. Warrens development of Willie Starks character perfectly mimics Huey Long through his political advances, his sexual indiscretions, his personality, and his assassination in the Capital building. The historical parallels shine clearly throughout the mend of the novel, but the internal detail of All the Kings Men clearly demonstrates the connections between Huey Long and Willie Stark. Willie Stark as Huey Long Essay -- Literary Analysis, Robert Penn WarRobert Penn Warrens novel, All the Kings Men depicts the tale of the rise of a political leader named Willie Stark. Many readers have speculated that Warren based Willie Starks character on Huey Long, a controversial, political leader fr om Louisiana who was prominent during the early 1900s. Although Robert Penn Warren has repeatedly denied that Willie Stark is a fictional portrait of Huey Long, many aspects of the novel directly correlate to the political career and personal life of Huey Long (Payne). Robert Penn Warren creates a character whose experiences and political career directly correlate to the events in Huey Longs life. The speculations that Willie Stark is a fictional representation of Huey Long are indisputable due to the events in the novel and the characterization of Willie Stark,Huey Long came from a humble background. His father, Huey Pierce Long, Sr. was a livestock farmer from Winn Parish, one of the poorest parishes in a very poor state ( Willie Stark also hailed from a modest background. Penn describes Willie as a red-faced and red-necked farm boy demonstrating humble roots similar to those of Huey Long (7, Warren). Willie also comes from a low class family, which enables hi m to identify with the common man of society. For example, during his impromptu speech in front of the convenient store, Willie uses Germanic diction and speaks to the folks in the town of his being called to come home and the importance of roots (16-17). Huey and Willies upbringings are clearly a connection between the two men and directly impact their personalities and decisions that they make throughout their lives. Perhaps a more concrete example of the association between the fictional Will... ... described as a man whobathes daily in a swamp of corruption, including casual infidelity (Keller). Willie Starks actual death in the novel symbolizes Huey Longs death in the election for mayor following the unveiling of his less than acceptable actions. Although Robert Penn Warren denies the assumptions that Willie Stark was created as a fictional representation of Huey Long, the correlations between the novel, All the Kings Men and Huey Longs life are indisputable. Warrens devel opment of Willie Starks character perfectly mimics Huey Long through his political advances, his sexual indiscretions, his personality, and his assassination in the Capital building. The historical parallels shine clearly throughout the plot of the novel, but the internal detail of All the Kings Men clearly demonstrates the connections between Huey Long and Willie Stark.
Call Report :: essays research papers
Bosch fuel tube reportOn August 9th, Bosch realized a failure of their fuel pump/ drivel unit for a new model fuel tank. In the past they used a gasket on the old fuel tank, when GM changed the design, this became a problem. at that place was no longer a gasket, thus causing problems for the pump to retract all the way to the top flange of the pump unit. The top flange has a rough grove on top where the fuel tube comes in contact. I was asked by Bosch to investigate a more durable abrasive sleeve then the one they on-goingly using. Bosch uses a GPT-483 3/8 (131,843 cycles to failure) sleeve for their current application. By the use of SAE ARP 1536 test method, I was able to make a few recommendations on Sofanou sleeving products. The product line that I recommended is Nu-Guard NTW-WR (1,163,483 cycles to failure), Nu-Guard DPT 3/8 nylon 6, 6 (new to Sofanou product line) (356,425 cycles to failure), and Nu-Guard N 3/8 (295,198 cycles to failure). On August twentieth I met and b rain-stormed with Bosch Engineers Martin Kling (Engineering Manager), John Lennen (Engineering Unit Manager), Ralph Gordinier (Sr. Program Lead Engineer), Ted Perniciaro (Senior Engineer), Mike Zick (Engineer), Dave Toutant (Component Specialist), Dave Brown (Senior Test Engineer) and Rich Minix (Lead Technician) on developing a test that would reflect the current process problem. Similar to the ARP 1536 test method, we decided to use an aggressive saw blade for a tear test for the three different products. Entela Testing was in charge of this test project. On August 23rd, Andrew Gleason (Engineering 1) from Entela coordinated the testing and reported Nu-Guard NTW-WR 2,200 cycles to fail, Nu-Guard DPT 3/8 nylon 6, 6 750 cycles to fail, Nu-Guard and Nu-Guard N 3/8 410 cycles to fail.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Benefits of Community Service :: Community Service Experience Paper
A typical school day for many University pupils consists of sitting in a classroom and listening to a lecture. While there is great value in this style of study, my community service work has taught me the many benefits of learning not only from professors, and also from fellow classmates, partners in the community, and individuals at volunteer sites, regardless of their age or educational background. It has also taught me to be an spry member of our community and to share the burdens and responsibilities that goes along with that role caring about the living conditions of others.I am very interested in literacy so I chose to volunteer at the Literacy Center and work with 11- to 16-year-old students after school. On my second visit to the center, I ate dinner with a 14-year-old boy and asked him how his day had gone. He said he didnt like his reading class, and I asked him why. He replied, I read at a third-grade level. I was extremely shocked and didnt know how to respond. Afte r a minute of silence, he asked me if I k raw about the Spanish_America War. I told him that I had just learned about it last semester in my college storey class. He said he had to write a paper on it and asked if I could review what hed written. I was amazed a 14-year-old student was writing a paper about a piece of history I hadnt even known existed until I was nineteen.This discussion gave me a new perspective on the concept of literacy. I learned that when considering what literacy means, its important to consider not only an individuals ability to read and write, but also his or her total cache of knowledge.
The Benefits of Community Service :: Community Service Experience Paper
A typical school day for many University students consists of sitting in a classroom and listening to a lecture. While there is great value in this style of learning, my community service scat has taught me the many benefits of learning not only from professors, but overly from fellow classmates, partners in the community, and individuals at volunteer sites, regardless of their age or educational background. It has also taught me to be an active member of our community and to share the burdens and responsibilities that goes along with that role caring rough the living conditions of others.I am very interested in literacy so I chose to volunteer at the Literacy Center and work with 11- to 16-year-old students after school. On my second visit to the center, I ate dinner with a 14-year-old boy and asked him how his day had gone. He said he didnt want his reading class, and I asked him why. He replied, I read at a third-grade level. I was extremely shocked and didnt know how to resp ond. After a tenuous of silence, he asked me if I knew about the Spanish_America War. I told him that I had just learned about it last semester in my college history class. He said he had to issue a paper on it and asked if I could review what hed written. I was amazed a 14-year-old student was writing a paper about a piece of history I hadnt even known existed until I was nineteen.This discussion gave me a new perspective on the concept of literacy. I learned that when considering what literacy means, its important to consider not only an individuals ability to read and write, but also his or her total accumulate of knowledge.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Accounting Information Systems Simulation Summary Essay
Effective information systems are essential to productive business. How a system is organized is important in determining efficiency. Managing a balance between cost and accuracy is one of the biggest problems that a company faces. There are advantages & disadvantages to having a single person playacting multiple activities in a specific process. A single person working on multiple activities jocks reduce errors and confusion as well as provide a better understanding of the reason for certain activities in a process. The employee will then be better able to find and set up mistakes. Unfortunately, a single person means that there is no one to check data for accuracy and integrity. Errors can occur more easily without a second look. There is also the risk of not having someone to complete an entire process if that single person is absent from work.See more investigate on polytropic process EssayIn order to secure growth, implementing new processes to ensure accuracy is a must whil e balancing cost and accuracy. If the set out up costs of the process are too high, and the return too low, then the venture is not the best choice. An example would be using face-lift cards for tracking hours and timesheets as it provides an internal control at an amenable cost while still retaining employee trust and reducing timesheet errors and fraud. Every business wishes to append its bottom line. This, in part, requires the protection of its assets. In order to help Ramos International minimize expected loss in the upcoming year, it is important to prioritize its assets connect to the specific risks and exposure to loss for each.This helps accurately identify the necessary controls and available options to safeguard such assets. This can be managed by determining if the return from writ of execution of a system is worth the cost associated. The effective use of information systems is essential. The ability to balance both the cost and accuracy of implementing information systems will help to ensure a businesss success and longevity. As in all businesses, Ramos will need to find the right way to successfully musical arrangement and delegation of tasks in their system.ReferencesBagranoff, N.A., Simkin, M.G., & Norman, C. (2008). Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems (10th ed.). Hoboken, New Jersey John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Organising people to achieve objectives Essay
Organising people to achieve objectivesWithin our comp any(prenominal) of facilities management, most of the day to day rill is based around organising and relegating tasks to our supply chain. This takes a lot of different considerations as to who we commit the tasks to. All of our providers be vetted thoroughly through our system forward any works can be issued to them. Not only do they shed to have the necessary legal nurture available i.e. insurances etc. only when we as well have to vet their engineers. We have to ensure they are all CRB check. (Criminal Records Bureau) However, there is also other elements of information we require from them to assist us at heart day to day running. Suppliers have to identify within their initial registration what controls they are able to cover showing that they have engineers with the associated skill sets, qualifications etc.They also have to identify which regions within the country they have coverage for. Once the suppliers hav e managed their registration form (Please hang mannikin attached in appendix) it is sent to a director for approval. Once approved, the supplier leave alone be set up on our system. We as a company then have to ensure that all of the helpdesk staff know exactly what suppliers are on our books, what disciplines they cover and what areas in the country they cover. A client lead send a task throughto the helpdesk. This can be via phone, email or portal. A helpdesk process of staff is then expected to ascertain what discipline the task should be logged under and also decide what priority the job should go on. Once this is complete, they then have to send the task to a supplier. This is where the information from the suppliers registration shows its importance.The helpdesk member would have identified, when logging the task, what the discipline is and what region the site is in. They can then filter through the suppliers to see which is most capable of completing the work satisfact ory. Therefore it is extremely important that we make effective and efficient use of the registrations, to ensure we get the task complete effectively through organising and delegating to the suppliers. One technique used to schedule and allocate work to suppliers is our PPM planner. (Planned preventative maintenance programme) This planner is set up for all(prenominal) client to ensure that any assets within the buildings that we look after are registered and maintained on a schedule. This includes compliance items. (Please see example attached in the appendix) When planning these works, we have to identify which supplier is appropriate to be assigned to carry out the works. For example if we are planning in an annual combustion extinguisher test, we need to ensure we use a supplier who has demonstrated that they have engineers qualified to complete this test providing a compliance certificate where appropriate. This will apply across all disciplines within the planner. Human res ources play a very important role within the company.They assure output and quality. They ensure that our any staffs put forward to be a potential candi see to it appears capable for the position following their curriculum Vitae. They will then identify training and emergence needs with the staff in the company. Later they will help to conduct appraisals and reviews. Human resources are able to work with KPI implementation within the staff. However, our HR will offer incentives too. Hr will ensure that we have key staff members capable of doing the positions above them. The reason this is important is if a staff member leftover who was highly dependable upon, we need someone who is capable of slipping in there to cover and so not to leave us exposed. At the alike time, this shows that member of staff sincere promotion aspirations. Human resources are also responsible for protecting the company legally. Ensure that we are all up to date with compliance and legislation. However, i t is important to rememberthat HR are there to hold back the employees as well as the company. Delegating to achieve objectivesAfter supplying the training, lately I delegated the responsibility of a particular task to one of the helpdesk members. I emailed through the lift insurance reports for a clients estate of the realm of 127 buildings. I asked the staff member to take the responsibility of thoroughly reading through the entire reports identifying any defects that have been highlighted. I then instructed the staff member to upload these documents to the assigned buildings. I then instructed them to extract the defects from the report and log them on the system assigning them to the lift supplier. At this time, I also attempt to empower this member of staff by explaining that this will be their responsibility from now on. I went on to explain that by reading these reports, she would learn to scan a bit about lifts and therefore would be able to assist account managers on li ft project works.There are sometimes barriers to delegating within my organisation. One of the most common barriers I personally face is a self-imposed obstacle of it is quicker and easier to do things myself this obviously can also be deemed as I do not completely trust my employees to get the job done to the expectation. However, we do have many mechanisms to support delegation within our workplace. Our suppliers are required to sign a contract and SLA (Service level agreement) during the stage of registration. This supports our delegation, expectation to suppliers. To oversee the outcome of this, we conduct contractor/supplier reviews quarterly. We will discuss their SLAs and KPIs (Key performance indicator) at this meeting and if necessary, provide support to achieve their best. We also use a similar order for our staff members in the office.They are obviously presented with a contract which includes their job role expectations before the commencement of work. We conduct 6 mon thly appraisals with staff to monitor their work. Feedback, recognition and reward techniques are all extremely effective within our workplace. When receiving feedback, normally it is generally very helpful and supported. We will always use good feedback and attempt to elaborate on it and action. Negative feedback can always be very useful also as it separates us areas to improve. We always try to give recognition to our employees where necessary as we have a good history of proving that this is a verygood motivational technique. Obviously by motivating the staff, we are more likely to get their best performance. This motivation also is apparent when using reward techniques. Reward techniques can be a variety of things for example promotion, new responsibilities, financial rewards etc. All of these prove very effective within the workplace.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
African American Civil Rights – Short Essay
African American Civil rights The African American throng were the real winners of the Civil Rights Movement. For closely two centuries blacks had little to no civil liberties whatsoever. In a country that was founded and declared by our founding fathers as a nation for the flock, by the people, and of the people African Americans were not even considered as fellow citizens. A century of slavery and half a century of Jim Crows separatism laws, the African American people were at last victorious when the civil rights act of 1964 and the Voting Rights act of 1965 were passed.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities and women. Congress finally asserted their authority to regulate interstate commerce nether Article One (section 8). Their duty is to guarantee all citizens equal protection including African Americans beneath the laws of the Fourteenth Amendment. Also the fourteenth Amendment protect s right to vote rights under the Fifteenth Amendment, which prohibits the government from denying any citizen the ability, or right to vote based on race or color. For so long African Americans have been held back due to slavery and Jim Crow laws.After Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) racial segregation was necessary in all public facilities under the doctrine of separate but equal. The fact of the matter is that whites and blacks were never equal, just separate. Jim Crow laws were adopted throughout the south to alienate black citizens and physically separate African Americans and whites. These laws institutionalized segregation of African Americans and whites and did not allow access use of the same schools, hospitals, prisons, public parks, housing communities, and even restrooms. Lets remember these facilities were on the whole unequal.The white facilities were obviously more luxurious in every way, and throughout the whole country it was obvious that in no section blacks were treate d equal. The most important goal of these laws was to keep blacks from voting. Whites realized that once blacks were able to vote freely they truly were equal to every citizen. The best way they kept blacks from voting was through literacy tests. Through all the efforts whites were putting to keep blacks from voting they have been successful allowing less than 10% of blacks voting in the south in 1910. These segregation laws stayed until Brown v.Board of Education (1954), which overturned the ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson. The decision stated that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. It was realized after this that racial segregation was govern a violation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. This decision paved the way for integration in the south and throughout the United States and was a major win in the civil rights movement. Blacks were most successfully when they were organized. The organized bus boycott, sit-ins, freedom rides, and mar ch on Washington brought national attention to the war on civil rights.Martin Luther King Jr. led these events his I Have a Dream speech is world famous now due to the signification of the civil rights movement. These demonstrations were pivotal for the African American community in declaring their liberty. Finally when the Civil rights Act of 1964 passed along with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, discrimination because of race was outlawed and any color human being could vote. Blacks were finally free and were the true winners of the civil rights movement 1950s and 1960s. They were finally equal and there rights were fully instilled. (Sources The logical system of American Politics)
Friday, May 24, 2019
A Healthy Lifestyle with a Busy Schedule Speech
Eating Healthy With A Busy Schedule So were all(prenominal) busy right? Running to and from places. To Starbucks, to theoffice, to visit an elderly grandparent, to the gym, to an extra-curricular activity, a meeting. Running running running. And yet, I always roll my eyes at those skinny girls who say, I just dont commence measure to eat Yah, WHATEVER Rome could be burning, and there I am, chomping away. In fact, I apprise count on one hand the number of meals Ive missed in myENTIRElifetime. If you ask my husband, hell attest to it No joke. I never miss a meal. So, how do you do it?With all the running and juggling, how do you make time for good healthy meals, and avoid skipping? Believe me, Im just as busy as the next person, but I alwaysmake time to eat. Im not saying I havent eaten a salad in my car on my way to a meeting, but Imake food a priority, as umbrageous as it sounds. For women juggling it all, food is in fact paramount to your success. And good food, may I add. Eating healthy with a busy lifestyle. You on the shut in with how to incorporatethis into your hecticlife? A few tips that suspensor me stay nutritious and energetic * I ALWAYS keep snacks on me.I have a nice mixed bag of nuts, and organic yogurt covered raisins in my glove compartment and/or purse at all times. It always comes in handy. This way, I dont binge on my next meal. Healthy snacking helps cutthe binging for sure, becauseeating alittle food every few hours stablilizesyour blood incision levels so your brain is much calmer when it sees your next meal * I have my Ericas To Do List notepad in the kitchen, and its visible atall times. Its my running list of whateverwere low on. The minute Im almost done a ketchup, for example, (which is bid every week), it goes on that list.Keep your healthy tweet on this list the minute youre low. Youre much more likely to always buy the good stuff if its staring at you on a piece of paper at the grocery store. * I try and stop eating be fore Im stuffed and gorged. My friends know, I never leave any food on my plate, EVER. Its been ingrained in my brain since Im little. My father grew up lacking many resources, so he always cleans his plate, as do it. But the right way to go, is to really stop before that full-feeling sets in. Portion manage baby * The same rule for my kids, applies to me. I aim for a protein, a carb, a vegetable and a fruit with every lunch and dinner.This has worked well for me. * If you confront a busy day, and foresee a McDonalds drive-through day (okay, its yummy), PLAN AHEAD. Make your lunch the night before. I was truly in the surpass shape of my life when I was working. Now thatIm at home,I snack all day, or eat whatever, whenever. When I packed myself a lunch for the office, it was a nice turkey sandwich, with hummus and carrots, celery and fennel (yes I LOVE fennel, and am theonly one in my family), a V8, and approximately pineapple. Nuts or cheese and crackers for snacks. in that res pect was portion control, and it was all energizing food.I felt and looked great. * When I look to buy new foods that I have never purchased before, I always read the ingredients. Remember, THE LONGER THE LIST, THE WORSE IT IS FOR YOU. The healthiest foods have simply one strawberries, broccoli, oranges catch my drift? The long lists contain MSG, sugar, salt, and more crap. * My advice, curb it or leave it if you can go organic on one or two things in your life, go for organic dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt), and meats and/or poultries. I do believe in buyingorganic for these two, even though somestudies saythere is no difference.I ama suckerhowever,for attractive muchallorganic lines of kids snacks (even though here, I highly doubt any realdifference exists). But for the other two I mentioned, I take them very seriously. I truly believe all the hormonal injections in our dairy and meats is whats giving us cancer, and our kids early puberty onset. There are also pesticides in fruits and vegetables, so if budget allows, I would suggest buying the organic stuff where you eat the skin (ex apples, strawberries, broccoli), and not necessarily thefruits and veggies like bananas and oranges, where you peel off the skin. * And finally, WATER.My water bottle comes with me many places. I fill it up along the way. Water is important. We know this already. Unfortunately, I was born with my dads skin, and not my moms, (which is creamy, milky and always blemish free), so I do my best to hydrate as much as possible to help with my skin. I really notice a difference in how Ilook and feelwhen I drink a ton of water. Yo, busy women rat any of you share some of your tips that keep you lean, healthy and energized? And thank you ladies for all your emails of concern. The grandfather is stable, and alive. So, its wedding weekend as usual for now. Until next time *
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