Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Bananas - description Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Bananas - description - Research Paper Example Conclusion Thesis Statement Various varieties of bananas exist in different parts of the world offering nutritional value at an affordable price. Bananas are fruits available throughout the year in tropical countries, and they come in different varieties, shapes, and colors. Bananas grow from a rhizome, stretch through a thick stem and develop flowers (â€Å"banana†). The varieties of use make banana one of the most valued crops in the world. The fruit’s nutritional value and relatively low price make it an attractive export product for countries in Southeast Asia, South America, and East Africa (Morton 37). This essay describes the taxonomy, characteristics, varieties, and food uses of bananas. In addition, the essay will give comparison and contrasts of â€Å"bananas are good for health†, versus â€Å"bananas are bad for health.†Taxonomy Bananas come from the genus Musa of the family â€Å"Musaceae†(â€Å"banana†), and the seedless, edibl e ones come from the â€Å"species M. acuminata Colla or the hybrid M. X paradisiaca L.†(Morton 30). The different species of banana provide a clue to the fruit’s geographical origins, usually found in countries with tropical climates like Brazil, India, and Indonesia. Having various hybrids further expands the fruit’s varieties and ensures continuous cultivation and propagation. Varieties The classification of bananas occurs into two principal groups namely Sucrier and Gros Michel. The Cavendish subgroup includes the Giant Cavendish, the Dwarf Cavendish, and Bungulan (Morton 35). Predominantly found in Colombia, the Philippines, and Burma, bananas from the Sucrier group are small in size, sweet, with thin skin (Morton 35). Bananas from the Sucrier group are readily consumable due to their size and taste; people use them in dessert recipes. The Gros Michel group produces bananas that are larger than the ones in the Sucrier group, are yellow in color, and usuall y found in South America, Central Africa, and the Caribbean (Morton 36). The Cavendish subgroup includes the Giant and Dwarf Cavendish, and the Bungulan (Morton37). Medium-sized, thin-skinned, and delicate, the Dwarf Cavendish, grows in China, East Africa, and South Africa. The Giant Cavendish is larger than the Dwarf Cavendish and closely resembles the Gros Michel (Morton 37). Ripening unevenly during the winter and prone to quick spoilage, Jamaicans mostly use the Bungulan for cooking. (Morton 38). Food uses The uses of bananas for food are as diverse as the available varieties and hybrids. A banana may be eaten when raw, peeled, sliced, or mixed with other fruits. Biting the soft, starchy flesh of a banana results in bursts of sweetness or undertones of tanginess. When added in dessert recipes, a banana’s flavor and mushy texture harmonize with the more crunchy and soft ingredients. Broiled or baked, ripe bananas can be served with peanuts and brown sugar (Morton 41). Fina lly, to preserve a banana, it can be boiled and immersed in a syrup mixture or fried in canola oil and served like potato chips. Nutritional Value In addition to the various food uses of the banana, this fruit possesses â€Å"high nutritional value†(â€Å"Banana†). As a healthy fruit, banana occupies a significant place in the food level pyramid. Regardless of the manner of consuming a banana, the flavorful, sweet, and starchy fruit is â€Å"full of vitamins†(â€Å"banana†). Low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium, raw bananas are an abundant source of potassium, fiber, and Vitamin B6 (Morton 43). Long, short,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Stages of Conflict Management Essay Example for Free
Stages of Conflict Management Essay In the contemporary workplace, communication plays an important role in an efficient administration since it encourages co-operation, knowledge sharing, and a feeling of a sense of a common purpose. Nonetheless, communication brings increasing interpersonal relationships, an unwanted and, in most cases, unmanaged side effects, which are referred to as conflicts. Managing conflict focuses on maintaining conflict at the right level in order to assist the organizational departments, teams or groups working together to reach their goals. Managing conflict does not imply completely eradicating conflict or conflict reduction (Miller, 2011). The fundamental process of conflict management is the selection of the aspired levels of conflicts. These aspired levels of conflicts vary widely and depend on the perceived conflict requirements by the managers of various personnel (Miller, 2011). The stages of conflict management include diagnosis of the problem, problem statement, knowing both parties perceptions or viewpoints/understanding, mediation, brainstorming of alternative solutions, and identification of (an) agreed on solution(s) (Rout Omiko, 2007). These stages of conflict management are briefly described below. Diagnosis of the Problem In this stage of conflict management, the mediator listens to both parties who are involved in conflict with the intention of understanding and determining the existence of a genuine conflict, and not just an imagined one (Rout Omiko, 2007). Problem Statement After recognizing that actually the problem really exists, the mediator now attempts to represent the problem to both parties involved in a non-defensive and direct manner. In other words, in this stage the mediator ensures that parties involved in the conflict actually understand the problem. Besides, the second stage is meant to ensure that the mediator evaluates and sees the level of understanding of both parties in regard to the presence of the conflict, and the level of motivation to engage in conflict resolution (Rout Omiko, 2007). Knowing both Parties Perceptions or Viewpoints/understanding This stage is where the mediator attempts to find what the parties involved think in regard to the problem at hand. The mediators should go through this stage carefully so as not to depict any slightest form of favoritism. This involve attempting to understand the problem from various perspectives of those parties, and the mediator should probe to find out what the parties think as the cause of the problem, noting similarities and differences of viewpoints of the problem (Pammer, 2003). Mediation Mediation requires the mediator to remain impartial by keeping the discussion revolve around facts and issue-oriented rather than discussing personalities and maintaining a balance in the discussion so that one party does not dominate the discussion (Rout Omiko, 2007). Brainstorming of Alternative Solutions This stage involves generating of alternative solutions to the problem at hand after it is obvious that there are no more alternative solutions, the mediator should now engage both parties in a discussion of these possible solutions with the aim of getting of selecting the best solution (Zartman, 2008). In this discussion, the mediators should control the session so that none of the parties forces the other on agreeing with their own suggested solution(s). Efforts should be made to ensure that both parties reach a consensus and then follow this with the implementation of the agreed solution (Rout Omiko, 2007). Identification of an agreed on solution(s) This is the final stage of conflict management, and its main purpose is to determine the agreed on solutions, a plan of action, as well as follow-up steps in order to ensure that both parties are actively involved in the implementation process (Rout Omiko, 2007).?
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Whorf Essay :: essays research papers
In â€Å"An American Indian Model of the Universe,†Whorf uses the Hopi culture as an example to demonstrate that perception is determined by language. According to Whorf, speakers of Hopi and non-speakers of Hopi can never perceive the universe the same way. Whorf believes that the Hopi culture â€Å"has no general notion or intuition of time†(370), referring to the absence of the word â€Å"time†in the Hopi language as well as the past, present, and future tenses in the Hopi grammar. He describes the Hopi grammar as having only the â€Å"manifested†and the â€Å"manifesting†(372), which roughly translates to the known and the unknown respectively. Something manifested or objective can include a past event, something that is occurring right now, as well as anything that can be grasped by the physical senses. Conversely, the subjective or the manifesting covers not only the future but also anything that is abstract or inaccessible to the physical senses, such as â€Å"mentality, intellection, and emotion†(372). Anything subjective in the Hopi language is associated with the verb â€Å"tunà ¡tya†(374), or hope. According to Whorf, â€Å"the word is really a term which crystallizes the Hopi phil osophy of the universe†(374). It contains the combined idea of â€Å"‘thought,’ ‘desire,’ and ‘cause,’†(374) but is at the same time associated with inanimate objects and involuntary actions; â€Å"the Hopi see [hope] in the growing of plants, the forming of clouds and their condensation in rain†¦ and in all human hoping, wishing, striving, and taking thought: and as most especially concentrated in prayer†(374). While it is true that â€Å"the Hopi language has no word quite equivalent to our ‘time,’†(375) the essence of time remains despite their not having a word to define it. If told by an elder to keep a fire going, a Hopi fireguard observing a fire pit can mentally grasp the urgency of the fire needing more wood by taking note of the color of the embers. A cowboy with a pocket watch observing from a distant hill may notice the young Hopi getting up to replenish the pit with firewood every forty-five minutes. But the fireguard does not think in terms of seconds, minutes, or hours. He is merely using his observation of the embers to gauge time the same way the cowboy tells time looking at his watch. By reading the color of the sky, or the position of the sun, a Hopi walking in the desert will most likely know how fast he would have to walk in order to get to a certain location before dark. Whorf Essay :: essays research papers In â€Å"An American Indian Model of the Universe,†Whorf uses the Hopi culture as an example to demonstrate that perception is determined by language. According to Whorf, speakers of Hopi and non-speakers of Hopi can never perceive the universe the same way. Whorf believes that the Hopi culture â€Å"has no general notion or intuition of time†(370), referring to the absence of the word â€Å"time†in the Hopi language as well as the past, present, and future tenses in the Hopi grammar. He describes the Hopi grammar as having only the â€Å"manifested†and the â€Å"manifesting†(372), which roughly translates to the known and the unknown respectively. Something manifested or objective can include a past event, something that is occurring right now, as well as anything that can be grasped by the physical senses. Conversely, the subjective or the manifesting covers not only the future but also anything that is abstract or inaccessible to the physical senses, such as â€Å"mentality, intellection, and emotion†(372). Anything subjective in the Hopi language is associated with the verb â€Å"tunà ¡tya†(374), or hope. According to Whorf, â€Å"the word is really a term which crystallizes the Hopi phil osophy of the universe†(374). It contains the combined idea of â€Å"‘thought,’ ‘desire,’ and ‘cause,’†(374) but is at the same time associated with inanimate objects and involuntary actions; â€Å"the Hopi see [hope] in the growing of plants, the forming of clouds and their condensation in rain†¦ and in all human hoping, wishing, striving, and taking thought: and as most especially concentrated in prayer†(374). While it is true that â€Å"the Hopi language has no word quite equivalent to our ‘time,’†(375) the essence of time remains despite their not having a word to define it. If told by an elder to keep a fire going, a Hopi fireguard observing a fire pit can mentally grasp the urgency of the fire needing more wood by taking note of the color of the embers. A cowboy with a pocket watch observing from a distant hill may notice the young Hopi getting up to replenish the pit with firewood every forty-five minutes. But the fireguard does not think in terms of seconds, minutes, or hours. He is merely using his observation of the embers to gauge time the same way the cowboy tells time looking at his watch. By reading the color of the sky, or the position of the sun, a Hopi walking in the desert will most likely know how fast he would have to walk in order to get to a certain location before dark.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Waste defined as unwanted matter
Chapter – 11.0 IntroductionWaste is defined as unwanted affair or stuff of any type, frequently that which is left after the utile substances or parts have been removed. It can be solid, liquid, semi-solid or contained gaseous stuff ensuing from either human or carnal activities. Based on the above definition, we can state that since the beginning of life on Earth, world has been bring forthing waste runing from castanetss and other parts of animate beings which they slaughter for their nutrient, to the wood they cut to do their carts. However, with the advancement of civilisation and the promotion of engineering, the waste generated has become more complex in nature and even more varied in footings of its components, doing it more complicated to be controlled and managed decently. Furthermore, it is deserving observing that, today, most of the states in the universe have witnessed a crisp population growing which resulted in the rapid enlargement of urban countries, taking to significant rise in the figure of consumers. This phenomenon is in itself mostly responsible for the addition in the sum of waste generated daily. Waste is finally thrown into municipal waste aggregation centres where the direction and disposal is done. Yet, if done improperly, it can do serious impacts on wellness every bit good as jobs to the environment. For case, if non decently disposed of, waste could on the one manus spread infective and chronic diseases, and on the other manus could take to chemical toxic condition and radioactive jeopardies, that could, at times, be lifelessly. Added to that, improperly managed waste can do H2O, Earth and air pollution, which finally affect people ‘s wellness and put on the line their lives. So bearing in head the antecedently mentioned factors, authoritiess all over the universe have to plan proper and efficient methods of waste disposal that better guarantee the safety of its people and cut down the effects of waste jeopardies on persons and the environment wholly.Chapter- 22.0. Definition of solid wasteDue to the momentous addition in waste that characterizes modern-day societies ; solid waste has become easy recognized than defined. However, solid waste has been defined by the New York Department of Environmental preservation as any refuse, garbage or sludge and other cast-off stuffs including solid, liquid, semi-solid or contained gaseous stuffs, ensuing from industrial, commercial and agricultural operations and from community activities. To get down with, specifying solid waste is of great importance to be able to separate and cover with different classs of waste successfully. Nevertheless, a careful and thorough cognition of the beginnings, types every bit good as the belongingss of solid waste is one of the basic demands needed for a proper and equal direction of solid waste.2.1. Beginnings of solid wasteThe beginnings of solid waste vary from residential, to commercial, institutional, building and destruction, municipal, agricultural, industrial and risky beginnings, depending on the constituents and types of waste produced.2.1.1. Residential beginningsThe size of urban residential countries, made up of both individual and multifamily homes, low ; medium ; and high rise flats, have presents expanded in a manner that they now constitute a major cause of the coevals of big measures of solid waste. Besides, the changeless alteration in people ‘s life style, and nutrient wonts led to the rise of consumer societi es which has finally contributed to the coevals of more solid waste.2.1.2. CommercialCommercial countries fundamentally constitute of assorted edifices that offer services and installations to the consumers. The latter include section shops, eating houses, markets, offices edifices, hotels, motels, print stores, service Stationss, car fix stores, etc. The figure of the above mentioned edifices is increasing twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours as the figure of people in demand of these installations has been increasing dramatically. Consequently, the sum of waste produced by these constitutions has besides been lifting. Waste is besides more varied as it includes organic or combustible solid waste ( e.g nutrient, paper, cardboad ) , inorganic or non-combustible solid waste ( e.g glass, Sn tins, aluminium ) and particular waste ( e.g electronics, bulky points, white goods ) .2.1.3. InstitutionalInstitutional beginnings of solid waste are varied in footings of the constitutions invo lved in treating such type of waste and the type of waste produced. These include authorities centres, schools, prisons and infirmaries. Talking about infirmary waste, which constitutes of disposable instruments such as acerate leafs, panpipes, swabs, patchs etc, it is deserving adverting that this type of waste has an highly bad consequence on the environment. Acerate leaf to state, that it is besides extremely infective and can be a serious menace to human wellness. For this ground, it is strongly advised that medical wastes should be handled and processed individually from other waste.2.1.4. Construction and DestructionThe addition in universe population has been accompanied with an increasing demand for residential and non-residential edifices, that is to state single or commercial edifices. For this ground, more immense edifices are being constructed, others are being knocked down or demolished and other 1s are being repaired or remodeled. Besides, there is the municipalities à ¢â‚¬Ëœ route fix and redevelopment work which leaves behind hemorrhoids of waste in the destruction sites. The measure of such waste is hard to gauge and is ever unpredictable.2.1.5. Municipal servicesAnother of import beginning of solid waste is that which consequences from the operation and care of different municipal installations, including street cleansing, landscape gardening, catch basin cleansing, Parkss, beaches and other recreational countries. Because it is by and large impossible to foretell some of the constituents of this waste and its beginnings, it is frequently referred to as waste from non-specific diffuse beginnings, which can be contrasted to the specific waste from the residential beginnings which is recurrent.2.1.6. AgriculturalWaste that is generated in the agricultural field is in no manner less of import than the one which residential, commercial or institutional beginnings generate, although it is different in its type and constituents. The chief beginning of this type of residue is the inauspicious agricultural activities conducted in the field such as planting and harvest home of trees and harvests, animate being maintaining, the production of milk and the operation of feedlots. The disposal of such type of waste has n't been the duty of most of the municipal waste direction bureaus. That is why the disposal of carnal manure has become a critical job for a big figure of states where agribusiness is a common activity.2.1.7. Industrial wasteNo uncertainty, the old ages that followed the industrial revolution have witnessed great technological development which proved to be critical for the states ‘ economic systems. Light and heavy fabrication industries are now being developed, chemical and power workss are being set and fiction of new stuffs has been an ongoing procedure. However, this technological promotion goes manus in manus with the addition in the waste stuffs generated from all sectors including meat processing and rendition, wool scouring, mush and paper devising, fish processing, tining and confectionery sectors†¦ . Consequently, new and efficient ways of waste direction demand to be developed in order to run into the demands of the indus trialised states.2.1.8. Hazardous wasteHazardous waste is any type of waste that constitutes an at hand menace to homo ‘s and animate being ‘s lives. Besides, it is besides considered a major menace to the environment including workss and other life animals. Hazardous waste may incorporate toxic substances that are either caustic, extremely inflammable, or explosive, and respond when exposed to certain things like gases. This sort of waste is generated non merely in the industrial sector or in infirmaries but besides some family waste, like batteries, pigment Sns and old medical specialties can be categorized as risky. Unfortunately, some states do n't hold proper disposal installations for these risky wastes which, at times, can be fatal.2.2. Types of solid wasteSolid waste could be divided into three chief types depending on the beginning of the waste generated. There is first the municipal waste, so the industrial and biomedical waste, and eventually the agricultural waste.2.2.1. MunicipalIt includes wastes generated from residential, commercial, institutional, construction/demolition, and municipal services. These could be nutrient wastes, paper, plastics, glass, aluminium and other stuffs, composition board, consumer electronics, family risky waste, wood, steel, concrete, particular wastes, rubbish and street sweepings, etc. It is deserving observing that the municipality is in charge of the aggregation and disposal of such types of solid wastes.2.2.2. Industrial and biomedicalThese are classified under the same type of waste because they consist of elements that are extremely and potentially unsafe and risky. Though biomedical waste differs from the industrial waste as it originates from biological beginnings, yet both of them should be decently managed to protect the general populace, specifically workers who are on a regular basis exposed to such waste as an occupational jeopardy.2.2.3. AgriculturalSpoiled nutrient wastes, carnal waste, rubbish and other agricultural wastes are types of solid wastes produced in the agricultural field. As I antecedently mentioned, the direction and disposal of such type of solid waste is, in most states, non the municipalities ‘ duty, which poses a serious job for them.2.3. Properties of municipal solid waste2.3.1. Physical belongingssWhen we talk about the physi cal belongingss of municipal solid waste, we should needfully advert the specific weight, wet content, atom size and size distribution, field capacity and the compacted porousness of waste. Specific weightIt is defined as ‘the weight of stuff per unit volume ‘ ( Integrated Solid Waste Management, George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen and Samuel A. Vigil, 1993 ) . It is measured in ( lb/ydA? ) and is needed in order to measure the entire mass and volume of waste that must be managed. However, specific weights of solid waste vary unusually with the geographic location, season, and length of clip in storage. ( Table 1.1 ) Moisture contentMoisture content of solid waste means the per centum of the wet weight of the stuff. It is expressed as follows: M= ( w – vitamin D ) 100 Meter: wet content ( % ) tungsten: initial weight of sample, ( pound ) d- weight of sample after drying at 105A °c, ( pound ) Particle size and size distributionIt is an of import consideration in the recovery of stuffs ( Figure 1.1 ) . It may be defined by the followers: Scandium: ( fifty + tungsten ) Scandium: size of the constituent cubic decimeter: length in millimeter tungsten: breadth in millimeter H: tallness in millimeter2.2.1.4. Field capacityIt is the entire sum of wet that can be retained in waste, which, finally, determines the formation of leachate in landfills, that is to state H2O in surplus of the field capacity. It varies in conformity with the grade of force per unit area and the province of decomposition of the waste. Permeability of compacted wasteIt is used to mention to the hydraulic conduction of compacted or pressed wastes which governs the motion of liquids and gases in a landfill.2.3.2. Chemical belongingssThe chemical composing of the constituents of municipal solid waste helps measure the processing and recovery of waste. For case, the possibility of burning or firing waste depends really much on the chemical composing of waste. There are four chief belongingss that should be focused on if wastes are to be burned: proximate analysis, blending point of ash, ultimate analysis and the energy content of waste. Proximate analysisIt consists of finding the wet loss from waste when heated, the extra loss of weight at 950A °c, the fixed C and ash weight of residue after burning. Blending point of ashIt is needed to find the temperature at which the ash ensuing from the combustion of waste will organize a solid by merger. Ultimate analysisIt involves finding the per centum of C ( C ) , H ( H ) , O ( O ) , N ( N ) , S ( S ) and ash in waste ( Table 1.2 ) . Table 1.2: Typical informations on the ultimate analysis of the combustible constituents in the residential municipal solid waste2.3.2.4. Energy contentIt can be determined utilizing a full graduated table boiler as a calorimeter, a research lab bomb calorimeter and by computation if the elemental composing is known. However, it can be said that the informations on the energy content of the organic constituents of municipal solid waste are based chiefly on the consequences of bomb calorimeter trials due to the trouble of pull stringsing a all-out boiler.2.3.3. Biological belongingssAbout all the organic constituents in municipal solid waste can be converted to gases, which is the most of import biological feature. In add-on to this characteristic, there is the production of olfactory properties and the genteelness of flies. Biodegradability of organic waste constituentsVolatile solids content, which is determined by ignition at 550A °c, is frequently used as a step of biode gradability of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste. ( Table 1.3 ) Table 1.3: Datas on the biodegradable fraction of selected organic waste constituents based on lignin content2.3.3.2. Production of olfactory propertiesOlfactory properties develop when solid wastes are stored for a long clip. The latter develop from the decomposition of the readily analyzable organic constituents. This belongings is by and large accompanied by alteration in the colour of the organic waste to black. Breeding of fliesIn warm clime fly genteelness should be an of import consideration. They can develop quickly in less than two hebdomads after the eggs are laid. For this ground the storage period of solid waste should be short particularly in hot conditions. Eggsdevelop 8-12 hours First phase of larval period 20 hours Second phase of larval period 24 hours Third phase of larval period 3 yearss Pupal phase 4-5 yearss Entire 9-11 yearss2.4. Definition of solid waste directionSolid waste direction is a system for managing all the refuse generated by people populating in urban and rural countries. It consists of the aggregation, transit, processing, recycling or disposal and monitoring of the waste stuffs produced by the assorted human activities. Waste direction is carried out in order to maintain metropoliss clean and to cut down the effects of waste on people ‘s wellness and the environment. But it is besides meant to retrieve resources from it.2.5. Solid waste rhythmThere are 5 chief stairss in the procedure of waste direction viz. analysis, aggregation, transit, recovery and recycling or disposal. These are summarized in the undermentioned figure Solid waste direction rhythmIn order to develop an appropriate waste direction solution that meets the demands and demands of the dwellers of peculiar country, and the demands of worlds that keep altering over clip, it is decidedly req uired to analyze the waste to be managed. For case, the cognition of the volume or sum of waste produced helps make up one's mind on the equipment required for such volume of waste to be disposed, a suited service agenda every bit good as the staff needed for the work. Furthermore, the cognition of waste watercourses that are normally disposed of is needed in order to plan and transport out suited direction process. So it could be said that the direction of solid waste is an ongoing procedure that starts long clip before the waste is produced.2.5.2 CollectionThe 2nd measure in the waste direction rhythm is the aggregation of waste from bins which by and large differ in size and contents, and from disposal countries where wastes vary from family simple refuse to industrial Dumpsters which are filled by more complex wastes generated either by persons or companies. Waste at this degree could be separated or un-separated ( commingled ) .2.5.3. Transportation systemIt follows the aggrega tion measure and consists of both transporting the collected wastes to the resource recovery centre and droping the contents of the aggregation vehicles in the centre where the waste is supposed to be processed.2.5.4. RecoveryOnce unloaded in the processing installation, the waste is sorted into reclaimable and non-recyclable points, besides called general waste, as a readying for the following phase where the waste is really disposed of utilizing the needed method for each class ( reclaimable or non-recyclable stuffs ) .2.5.5. Disposal and monitoring of solid wasteEqually shortly as the waste is sorted and classified into different classs, the reclaimable waste is carried to a recycling installation, where it is processed in order to be reused. Whereas the non-recyclable waste is either sent to a composting or inceneration centre or disposed of at landfill.2.6. Solid waste treatment/management2.6.1. Land make fullingLand filling has ever been a common pattern in most states univers e broad. It involves the monitoring of the incoming waste watercourse and burying it in big holes specifically designed for the intent. At this degree it should be acknowledged that a decently designed and well-managed land fill can be hygienic but besides a comparatively cheap method of disposal of waste stuffs. On the other manus, nevertheless, poorly-designed every bit good as poorly-managed landfills can make a figure of serious environmental effects that is why the procedure of land make fulling starts long clip before the dumping of waste in the landfills and does non stop at the degree of burying the waste. Municipalities and waste direction bureaus have to pay a great trade of attending to the closing of the land fill every bit good as its care after the closing. For case, harmonizing to George Tchobanoglous, Hilary Theisen and Samuel A. Vigil a figure of elements have to be taken into consideration in order to guarantee that bing landfills do non impact people ‘s wellness and the environment negatively. To get down with, they believe that the ballad out and design of the landfill is of import, together with the operations and direction. The reactions happening in landfills, the direction of landfill gases and leachate should be taken into consideration. Harmonizing to them a typical layout of a landfill is presented in the figure1.3 taken from Integrated Solid Waste Management, Engineering Principles and Management Issues, 1993. The volume and type of waste disposed of in a landfill during one operation, which is referred to as cell, varies from one land fill to another. For this ground, we can sort land fills under three chief classs. First, the land fills that are designed for commingled municipal solid waste ( excepting industrial waste ) . The 2nd class of land fills includes waste that is cut into strips or shredded in order to be compacted to a tighter surface, therefore increasing its denseness. The 3rd type includes land fills for single waste components known as monofills. However, whatever waste is buried in land fills, a day-to-day screen consisting of dirt or other stuffs, such as compost, should be used so that it controls the blowing of the waste stuffs outside the land fill, the entry of rats and flies and besides the entry of H2O. These safeguards taken after the disposal of waste in a landfill aid guarantee that the latter does non impact public wellness and the environment. Restrictions of land fillingSince the development of this method of waste disposal at that place have been three chief issues related to set down filling. The first issue relates to the uncontrolled release of landfill gases that can make countries off-site, dispersed annoying olfactory properties and do potentially unsafe jobs. The 2nd job is related to the consequence that the uncontrolled discharge of landfill gases could hold on the ambiance. Added to that, is the job of the uncontrolled release of leachate which could make the land or surface H2O and contaminat e it, doing a figure of diseases to the persons. For these assorted grounds, one of the chief concerns of waste direction bureaus should be to extinguish or at least cut down the impacts associated with this waste disposal method in order to maximise its benefits.2.6.2. RecyclingIt is non a modern-day method as it started long clip back when resources were really scarce and people had fewer picks. However, with the industrial revolution recycling has taken a different and more complex form as the stuffs being processed presents differ from those of the yesteryear. This method consists of treating used stuffs into new merchandises in order to forestall the waste of some resources and cut down the negative effects other methods could hold. Reclaimable stuffsTo get down with, as I antecedently mentioned, waste stuffs could be divided into two chief classs: reclaimable and non-recyclable waste. The reclaimable waste, which is our chief concern, includes stuffs such as glass, pap er, metal, plastic, fabrics, aluminium, lumber, concrete blocks, batteries, electronics and biodegradable waste. Benefits of recyclingTo get down with, recycling has an economic benefit for persons every bit good as the community in general, though there has been some dissension about whether recycling is economically efficient or non. A survey conducted by the Technical University of Denmark found that in 83 % of instances, recycling is the most efficient method of waste disposal, but the sum of money that could be saved through recycling depends on the efficiency of the plan used to make it. It has been proved that recycling could be profitable if it replaces the traditional ways of waste disposal, if the landfill fees are high and of class depending on the sum of waste to be recycled. Furthermore, it is believed that recycling saves energy. For case, the Energy Information Administration states that â€Å"a paper factory uses 40 per centum less energy to do paper from recycled paper than it does to do paper from fresh lumber†. It besides argues that recycling aluminium saves 95 % of the energy required to do the same sum of aluminium from abrasion. Finally, recycling proved to hold enormous benefits on the environment. It reduces air pollution that could be caused by gases produced in incineration sites. Besides, it helps cut down the risky waste ‘s leaching from landfills. It besides controls the ingestion of natural resources which the universe hazards of running out within a figure of old ages. All I all recycling can be considered an efficient manner of prolonging the environment for the approaching coevalss.2.6.3. Restrictions of recyclingCompared to other waste disposal methods, recycling could be extremely good. Yet like other methods it has its defects and restrictions excessively. For illustration, it has been proved that nowadays waste is being recycled for fiscal addition regardless of the risky effects it could hold both on workers ‘ wellness or the environment, taking the recycling industry set up in China as an illustration. Furthermore, the profitableness of recycling is questioned because even develo ped states like the United States of America have trouble in happening markets for recycled points doing of marketing a serious issue for them. Added to that, the cost of reclaimable stuffs can at times exceed the cost of the natural stuffs. In add-on to the old statements, critics argue that in the procedure of recycling, it could take more energy to bring forth recycled merchandises than it does to dispose of them in traditional landfills or incineration sites.2.6.3. Reduce and reuseThe tendency of waste coevals is increasing in most states in the universe due to the crisp rise in the universe population, accompanied by the enlargement of urban countries. However, in order to halt this tendency of increasing sum of waste produced by each individual we should command the coevals of waste in the first topographic point. Waste bar, besides called â€Å"source reduction†, means that mills should plan and industry stuffs that cut down the sum of rubbish created and single people should buy and utilize stuffs that could be reused. Therefore manufactures every bit good as persons contribute to the procedure of cut downing the waste produced, which finally hold and hopefully avoid the costs of recycling, composting lan d filling and burning. Good illustrations of merchandises that could be reduced or reused are containers and packaging, newspapers, vesture and other goods like furniture, tyres, etc. Benefits of decrease and reuseReducing waste saves the natural resources and recycling stuffs to fabricate them deceases the coevals of waste dramatically as finally less material will necessitate to be disposed of. Furthermore, forestalling waste means economic nest eggs for communities and persons excessively. For case, if mills industry merchandises with less packaging, they will purchase less natural stuff. This means the lessening in the fabrication costs and the addition in the net income. Individual people could besides derive if they buy merchandises in majority, with less or reclaimable packaging. However, we should bear in head that reclaimable merchandises need to be more lasting, therefore necessitating more material. Besides, screening and fixing points for reuse takes clip and it could besides be money for concerns. Some points could besides be risky as they continue to be used.2.6.4. IncinerationThis means the disposal of waste by burning it or change overing it into heat, gas, steam and ash. It is seen as practical method of disposing of certain risky waste stuffs such as biological medical waste. It is besides deserving adverting that it is a common method in states where land is scarce like Japan. Restrictions of incinerationIncineration is a controversial method because of the emanation of gaseous pollutants that accompany the procedure and which may hold serious environmental effects.2.6.5. CompostingIt consists of break uping organic waste, such as nutrient, with micro-organisms in order to bring forth consumer merchandise or compost that varies in footings of its physical and chemical features depending on the nature of the get downing stuff. Harmonizing to George Tchobanoglus, Hilary Theisen and Samuel A. Vigil the composting operations consist of pre-processing of municipal solid waste, decomposition of the organic fraction of the waste and readying and selling of the concluding compost merchandise after it has been cured and stabilized. This procedure is summarized in the undermentioned figure 1.4 taken from their book Integrated Solid Waste Management, Engineering Principles and Management Issues,1993. This method allows the usage of the already available waste in a more productive manner and reduces the volume of wastes placed in landfills. However, there are issues associated with this method that should be analyzed and solved. These include the production of olfactory properties that accompany the procedure and the absence of fixed standards for suited or unvarying compost merchandise.2.7. Solid waste direction in the Sultanate of OmanThe sultanate of Oman has undergone dramatic alterations since the 1970 ‘s. Along with other states in the universe, it has witnessed an addition in the population characterized by the enlargement of the urban countries and the change in the life styles of its people. These alterations automatically affected the size, beginnings, and type of waste generated by single families or authorities establishments and industries. This means that the already available system of waste direction has become deficient to run into the demands of the lifting figure of people. Mahad bin Eissa Shammas, Director of the board of directors of environment personal businesss in the governorate of Dhofar says in a study for a web diary that â€Å"The addition in the population denseness, as a consequence of the uninterrupted urban enlargement, together with the betterment of life criterions, have increased the sum of generated solid waste all over the sultanate. Assorted processs were taken to construct the basic installations for solid waste disposal, but those stairss could non fit the velocity of development the universe has witnessed in this field.†For this ground the authorities has put a batch of accent in the demand to better waste direction methods to run into the both the demands of people and the environmental demands of a underdeveloped state.2.7.1. Solid waste garbage dumpsBurning waste is a common pattern in some locations in the sultanate, but throwing waste in garbage dumps is besides a widely used pattern. Mahad bin Eissa Shammas criticize s the available garbage dumps stating that healthful garbage dumps were introduced in the sultanate yet. Besides, there are no suited mechanisms to roll up and pack the waste in order to forestall internal burning. Furthermore, taking the location of the garbage dumps was non done on a scientific footing. That is why some garbage dumps are located on the same vale where otiose H2O is being drained, which makes the pollution of the land H2O an at hand job. Recycling on the other manus was introduced several old ages back, yet it has been limited to specific stuffs such as metals, fish and agricultural waste. To sum up we can state that the disposal of solid waste in the sultanate was non good managed due to the deficiency of consciousness among people in charge of the waste direction. However, a great trade of attending has late been paid to this job. So Torahs have been modernized and surveies have been conducted by the ministry of local municipalities and environment in cooperation with Muscat municipality in order to better waste direction methods.2.7.2. Recycling procedureDirector Mahad bin Eissa Shammas, says that the authorities intends to switch to mechanical intervention workss to recycle the waste, and to do usage of private sector in recycling. He gives the illustrations of the successful undertakings of gum elastic pulverization and runing Fe produced from used auto tyres which were utile for the environment. Fecal matters of herds are now being collected and used to bring forth natural fertilisers. Fish oil and pulverization are being produced in particular mills and used as fresh fish and fertilisers. The leftovers of slaughter houses particularly the tegument is being used to fabricate leather. A closer survey of the waste direction of Al Amerat Municipality as a theoretical account will be covered in chapter†¦ ..2.8. Waste direction in PalestinePopulating in a state that suffers from war, Palestinian people faced a batch of troubles in pull offing the solid waste produced by mostly populated countries, which otherwise and under ordinary fortunes, constitutes a serious job to a big figure of states in the universe. Based on a study written by Salah EL Borno, Director of the Council for Solid waste direction, it could be said that the bad patterns with the absence of statute law and review mechanisms in many countries resulted in insufficient and inconsistent aggregation services. Waste was on occasion dumped in unfastened countries, farms and vales or in some non-hygienic topographic points, which represented a possible danger to the public wellness and the environment, particularly to the land H2O resources.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Amazon.Com’s European Distribution Strategy
Amazon Amazon is one of the biggest and most famous online stores in the world. It is divided into several independent organizations like Amazon Europe, Amazon US and Amazon Japan. Amazon was founded in 1995 by Jeff Bezos. At the beginning it was just a platform for selling books at soon it became the world’s biggest bookstore with up to 2,5 million different titles. Their strategy was clear and easy: hold modest inventories and rely on wholesalers. The wholesaler can fulfill the order quickly while Amazon employees pick and pack the order and ship it to the customer.In 1996 Amazon grew really quickly by expansion of their distribution center, increasing number of titles and software development. In 1998 they were not longer a bookshop any more but expanded their product lines to music and videos. However, they had to face tough competition, especially in 1998. So remain the leader of theonline stores Amazon decided to pursue a â€Å"get big fast†strategy to increase t heir revenue. Therefore they added new product lines and adapted its supply chain and distribution network.One big decision was also where they should locate their distribution center and how many they should build. Amazons pick was a distribution center in Nevada, Kansas and Dallas. Soon also three more centers were added to serve the Midwest and the Southeast. The next step was to choose which product types each of the distributions centers should carry. After that they had to make a decision regarding the equipment in the new distribution centers and the technology used in their warehouses.Finally, to maintain high levels of quality and productivity in its distribution centers, Amazon developed key metrics to measure worker performance, including number of items picked per hour, free replacement rate, inventory accuracy, number of hours from order confirmation to shipment, and cost per unit shipped. Performance information was routinely shared with individual workers. In 2000 the new Vice President of Operations Wilke started with teaching the staff to use a special method to reduce variations and defects.This approach was later also used to improve the inventory record accuracy. Moreover, Wilke hired staff to stimulate holiday season conditions and he made arrangements for additional storage capacity. On top of that Wilke also focused on inventory optimization in the fulfillment network. To have the products at the right time available will easily decrease Amazons inventory costs. There were several ideas to improve the inventory management: 1)Refine the software used to forecast customer demand )Establish buying rules to better allocate volumes among wholesalers 3)Integrate its supply management system with its own inventory, warehouse and transportation system 4)Implement buying rules to determine which supplier offers the best price and delivery options 5)Having â€Å"drop ship†orders which means that the product is directly shipped to the custo mer without going through an Amazon distribution center 6)Partner with other companies, with Amazon handling order fulfillment and the partner covers the costs for the inventoryThe last two points were just idea and never realized. Amazon entered Europe through the two countries Germany and the UK. To enter those markets Amazon acquired a leading online store in each country and the two sites were re- launched under the Amazon brand. In 2000 Amazon continued its expansion and entered France. They did not use the same strategy as in Germany and the UK, but build their site from scratch. However, there were several challenges to enter the European market. They had to be aware of the cultural differences in Europe.First, Amazon adapted their website always a little bit to the needs of the country; secondly, they needed to address the selling regulations in each country. Another very important point was the payment options. Because there were not many people in Europe using credit card they had to offer local paying possibilities. On top they recognized that it was impossible to replicate the US procurement strategy in Germany and France because of different supplier market factors. To implement these strategic choices Amazon in Germany, France and the UK were managed as independent Amazon subsidiaries.Each country has its own organizations and was headed by a country manager and every country has its own warehouse. Amazon also was evaluating opportunities to expand in other European countries. Amazon Europe needed to build up its infrastructure to support this ambitious vision. In June 2002, Tom Taylor was transferred from Seattle to London to address some of these issues. In the longer term, Taylor wondered which infrastructure would best support Amazon Europe’s growth potential. Amazon’s decentralized fulfillment model seemed to offer opportunities for rationalization and cost savings.One option was to link all distributions centers. The other opt ion was to keep the three distribution centers. There were also different options about the inventory in these three centers. One could hold the inventory in all three centers or just in selected ones. Another question was regarding the location of the distribution centers. Solution First there was the option of only one distribution center in Europe. This strategy certainly has advantages with regard to lower overhead costs, simplified internal communication, and increased bargaining power due to higher allocation volumes.Considering only the difficulties already encountered in attempting to coordinate national postal carriers for a trustworthy delivery service to international customers, the option to centralize delivery from the UK to all European markets would be a step in the wrong direction. This was a clear difference to the US market; where there was only one postal service serving the entire nation. Express delivery would further complicate matters, as European markets vari ed with regard to provider and service, another problem not encountered in the US.Since delivery time and quality are crucial to success at Amazon, this restructuring option was quickly eliminated from the list of alternatives. The division of Europe into North/South or East/West sectors, to be served by two Distribution Centers, would likely reduce delivery times in many markets and eliminate some of the difficulties associated with the single DC alternative. Compared to the current structure, cost savings could be achieved and activities could be bundled according to regional demands or opportunities (i. e. egal or financial flexibility). This structure would emulate the solution realized in the initial growth period in the US, where a DC was located on each coast, however there would be similar problems as noted above with the coordination of national postal carriers. Another primary difference compared to the US market could be seen with regard to regional consumer preferences a nd tastes. While the US product selection was largely similar, and a common language was used throughout, product selection and language differs from country to country in Europe.Expectations with respect to delivery time, service, payment methods, etc. also vary greatly among European markets and do not compare to the credit card-friendly and on-line purchase-accustomed customers in the US. A two-DC solution may likely not be able to offer the flexibility needed to serve the individual European markets properly. Considering that the three European locations are fully-functional, another alternative would be to simply keep the existing facilities while reallocating services and processes according to cost and service factors.One obvious advantage would be recognized in not needing to relocate or build/acquire new infrastructure. Activities could be spread among the three locations, for example books, media and smaller items in France, Marketplace headquarters in the UK, and bulk or special order items in Germany. This would allow for specialization of services and a clear distinction of functions for management of operations in Europe. In contrast, all services could continue to be provided in all locations, with the addition of products and Marketplace activities in each of the three.Expansion into further markets may be allocated to one of the DC's according to geographic proximity or if applicable, according to financial or logistical aspects. Disadvantages include duplication of activities and infrastructure, increased demand for management and personnel, and the administration/coordination of multiple and varying IT systems (including the integration of manual and automated systems). Our team of analysts proposes a solution which integrates components from each of the aforementioned alternatives.Due to the fact that consumer preferences and expectations vary significantly among markets, and since delivery systems are also not consistent from country to co untry, each market should be served as locally as possible. This does not exclude the option of bundling some functions in specific locations; in fact this should be undertaken. Marketplace activities, for instance, shall be centralized in the UK, since this activity mainly is based on and requires IT functionality.The central functions Customer Service and Procurement also shall be allocated to the UK. With respect to the expansion of product lines, this should be done according to regional/international classification. Items which are non-country or language specific, such as CD's, electronics, hardware, etc. can be allocated and administered at a central European location; in this case France may be selected. Bulk items would be the responsibility of a continental-based facility as well, preferably Germany due to its central location.Any country or language-specific items, i. e. books, fashion apparel, home decor, etc. shall be administered in mini-DC's located within each market . This would assure the â€Å"local touch†required by customers, and would allow for more effective negotiations with local market suppliers. Newly added markets could first be served from the existing three, with the establishment of a mini-DC in the market as soon as the product volume, logistic opportunities and demands, as well as customer buying behaviors are sufficient to justify local investment.Without a doubt, the solution our group has provided leads to higher costs and increased complexity in a number of areas. However, the underlying principle was to devise a way to build the brand and company image in a similar way that was successful in the US market – serving the customer in a quick and simple way. At the same time, the bundling of core functions offers an opportunity to reduce costs and redundancy.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
A Family Man Made Into a Monster Professor Ramos Blog
A Family Man Made Into a Monster Heroes are not immune to a plague of sorrow and betrayal, for heroes can still become monsters as a result of exposure to such things. Michael Corleone is a fictional antihero in films The Godfather and The Godfather Part II Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The films are based on the novel by Mario Puzo, The Godfather. The films follow the lives of the fictional Corleone family. The Corleone family is a mafia family that dwells in New York City in the 1940’s and 1950’s. Michael was born into the mafia family, but for many years stayed out of the â€Å"family business†. Michael went to an Ivy League school and fought in World War II from which he returned a war hero. Michael intended to stay out of the Family business and out of the criminal empire. Michael did manage to stay out until an attempted assassination on his father, and as a result, Michael had to kill to save his father. After Michael killed the people who wished to kill his father Michael fled to Ita ly. It is Italy when Michael begins his transition from a hero to a monster. Why did Michael Corleone become a monster? While in Italy Michael thought he was in paradise, for he had found a woman that he was in love with and he lived a simple life with no interference from his mafia family. Michaels peace and tranquility in Italy was shattered when he heard the word that his older brother Sonny was violently slain like an animal. This event was the start of Michaels descent to darkness, for he had a loved one taken away from him at the hands of another mafia family. The death of his brother was sudden and unexpected in fact, his death left a lasting impact on the entire family. Sonny’s death was extremely violent, and in Rachel Hibberd, Lisa Elwood, and Tara Galovksi’s journal article Risk and Protective Factors for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Prolonged Grief, and Depression in Survivors of the Violent Death of a Loved One, it is stated that â€Å"Compared to natural death, violent death is more likely to leave surviving parents, who may carry an additional burden of rage, stigma, an d self-blame in contending with the loss†(Hibberd et al. 428). This states that those who are left alive after the violent death of a loved one are plagued by sadness and grief, and Michael is no exception. The violent death of Sonny left Michael with survivors’ guilt, for while his brother was murdered in the United States Michael was in Italy living a stress-free life. Michael hadn’t thought that his family was as vulnerable as it truly was. After the death of his brother Michael attempted to flee Italy with his new spouse, however before they could leave a bomb was planted in the car with the intention to kill Michael, however, when the bomb detonated it only killed Michaels wife. Michael’s sense of helplessness is solidified, and his character has been shattered, for now, seeks to combat such atrocities with equally atrocious actions. Once Michael’s father died and Michael became the head of the house he proved to be even more ruthless and brut al than his father because of the lost loved ones. Shortly after Michaels father died Michael had every other mob boss assassinated in one day. Michael had all the other bosses killed as a preventive protection for his own family, for this is a measure that Michael would not have taken before the loss of his brother and spouse. Michael started his transition to a monster the loss of his spouse and brother were the catalysts to create the monster that is to be Don Michael Corleone. Being betrayed by one’s own kin is truly a reason to be upset, and Michael must deal with his brother betraying him to reap benefits that the enemy had promised. Michaels brother Fredo traded information about Michael to an emery mob boss of Michael. Michael disowns his brother, Fredo, for Michael feels as if there is nobody that he can trust now, not even members of the family. The loss of a child is hard to cope with for any parent, however, the death of Michael Corleone’s unborn child was a crushing blow to his human soul. Michaels wife Kay had murdered the unborn child. The betrayal that Michael was met with by his wife was enough to destroy what human was left inside of his body. Michael had not only lost a child, for he had also lost the trust of his wife. Michaels wife murdered the unborn child because she did not want to bring another son into this world whose father is Michael Corleone because she had realized that Michael was becoming a monster. Michaels encou nters with betrayal proved to be costly for his mental health, as it his declining sanity can be supported with Bridget Klest, Andreea Tamaian, and Christina Mutschle’s academic journal article, Betrayal Trauma, Health Care Relationships, and Health in Patients with a Chronic Neurovascular Condition. The article states that â€Å"Victims of high-betrayal trauma report poorer physical and mental health than victims of lower betrayal trauma†(Klest et al. 20). Michaels sanity is in a questionable state, for he feels as if everyone is against him and he lives in a constant state of paranoia. The pain that Michael feels results in him never allowing his ex-wife to see his two children. Separating a mother from her children is evil and such an action is a precursor for other cold-hearted decisions that Michael Corleone makes. The betrayal that Michael faced had left him a hollow shell of a human only to be filled with the evils of vengeance. The action that solidified Michaels place as a Monster is the murder of his brother Fredo. Fredo had betrayed Michael and as a result, Michael told his assassin for hire that Fredo was not to be touched while their mother was still alive. Upon the death of Michael and Fredo’s mother, Fredo was assassinated. Even though Michael had told Fredo that he had forgiven him, Michael still had Fredo assassinated. Michael had become the man that he despised as a young man, he became a vicious killer in charge of a criminal family. Michaels transition to a monster can be supported by Jeffrey Cohens, Monster culture (seven theses). Cohen uses seven theses to describe how monsters are made and why monsters are monsters. Cohens thesis titled â€Å"Thesis VI: Fear of the Monster Is Really a Kind of Desire†describes the situation that Michael has landed in. The thesis states that while humans may be afraid of a monster, such a monster has characteristics that a human would willingly l ike to acquire, for example, superhuman strength and speed in the case of Vampires. In Michaels case, he wishes to protect his family, but to do so he must become the monster that he did not want to become. This monster is a murderous mafia boss, and his desire to protect himself and what family he has left leaves him with no choice but to become the monster that he never wanted to become. But he murdered his own brother with that power so the initial desire to protect his family was violated and instead Michael used his new power for vengeance. Michael Corleone became a monster because he had been plagued with betrayal and loss, and as a result, he sought to prevent such things by becoming the monster he never wanted to be by embracing the violent capabilities that a mafia family has. The loss of his wife and brother, while Michael was in Italy, was the start of the evolution that Michaels soul would undergo. Following the pain and sorrow from lost loved ones, Michael had been betrayed by people that he loved and trusted, which added to his unhealthy mindset of distrust. The final step to becoming the monster that he didn’t want to be as a young man was embracing his desire for vengeance and murdering his brother. Michael was a hero who became a monster by his choice, although it was influenced by the misfortunes that plagued his life. Annotated Bibliography Hibberd, Rachel, et al. Risk and Protective Factors for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Prolonged Grief, and Depression in Survivors of the Violent Death of a Loved One. Journal of Loss Trauma, vol. 15, no. 5, Sep/Oct2010, pp. 426-447. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/15325024.2010.507660. The article is a medical evaluation of the effects of grief on the human mind following the violent death of a loved one. A violent death is explained to be a sudden and horrible death of a loved one. Often, not from natural causes. I use this information to explain why Michael is so greatly affected by the deaths of his brother and wife. The Information is reliable for medical researchers published it. In addition, the information was gathered from the Crafton Hills database. Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. â€Å"Monster culture (seven theses).†Gothic horror: A guide for students and readers (2007): 198-217. A document handed out in class that elaborates how the monsters that we make are made and why. The document goes into depth on monster theory by explaining seven theses that are relevant to the existence and creation of monsters. The document also defines what makes a monster a monster. The document is used in my evaluation as a measure of how monstrous the Xenomorph is. The source is reliable because it is used as source material for a college level English class. Klest, Bridget, et al. Betrayal Trauma, Health Care Relationships, and Health in Patients with a Chronic Neurovascular Condition. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment Trauma, vol. 26, no. 1, Jan. 2017, pp. 18-33. EBSCOhost,   doi:10.1080/10926771.2015.1107175. The article details the effects of traumatic situations on the human psyche. Specifically, I gathered information about the trauma that results from betrayal. The information gathered shows why Michael Corleone was so greatly affected by the Betrayal that he had faced with his wife and Brother Fredo. The information was gathered from an academic database and is peer-reviewed and scholarly. Links to images Used Michael Corleones Nice Ivy League CharcoalSuit
Monday, October 21, 2019
First Grade TECHNOLOGY Essays - Smart Devices, Distance Education
First Grade TECHNOLOGY Essays - Smart Devices, Distance Education First Grade TECHNOLOGY Technology The amount of technology that is used for teaching at a first grade level is phenomenal. In the first grade class I observed they used technology in almost every subject studied. Technology was used in English, Spelling, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics and Art. These children are more technologically literate than many adults that I know. One of the first technologies I encountered in the classroom was the computer based instruction center. At this center the children could pick from a range of programs used to teach spelling, math, science or social studies. At times the students were allowed to choose their own field of study and at other times they were directed to a specific topic such as science or social studies. The website we used was called and there was specific lessons available covering the holidays and the winter season. We would play a movie online and the kids would listen through headphones while cartoon figures told the story of Thanksgiving and the pilgrims or some similar story. A CD play with two sets of headphones was another use of technology in the classroom. Students would do a guided reading using reading books to follow along with a narration of the story. Although this technology isn?t exactly ground breaking the students really seemed to enjoy learning to read when guided by th e narrator. The most impressive technology used was the SMART board. The SMART board is a large interactive whiteboard developed by SMART technologies. The SMART board uses a PC and a projector to display on a whiteboard which acts as a huge touch screen. The interactive whiteboard accepts touch input from a finger, pen, or the keyboard. In our class the students practiced spelling, math and writing using the SMART board. This technology is very new to this class so Mrs. Friedrich was still learning the capabilities of it but the possibilities are huge. Plus the SMART board was definitely the favorite of the class. The interactive features kept the children?s interest although there was quite a bit of playing done. The SMART board is still new enough to the children to be exciting whereas the computer is now just
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Language of Graphs and Charts for ESL Learners
Language of Graphs and Charts for ESL Learners The language of graphs and charts refer to the words and phrases used when describing results depicted within these formats. This language is especially useful when making presentations because charts and graphs measure various statistics and are helpful when presenting large amounts of information that need to be understood quickly, including facts and figures, statistical information, profit and loss, polling information, etc. The Vocabulary of Graphs and Charts There are a number of different types of graphs and charts including: Line Charts and GraphsBar Charts and GraphsPie ChartsExploded Pie Charts Line charts and bar charts have a vertical axis and a horizontal axis. Each axis is labeled to indicate what type of information it contains. Typical information included on vertical and horizontal axis include: age - how oldweight - how heavyheight - how talldate - which day, month, year, etc.time - how much time is requiredlength - how longwidth - how widedegrees - how hot or coldpercentage - a portion of 100%number - numberduration - the length of time required There are a number of specific words and phrases used to describe and discuss graphs and charts. This vocabulary is especially important when presenting to groups of people. Much of the language of graphs and charts relates to movement. In other words, the language of graphs and charts often speaks of small or large movement or differences between various data points. Refer to this language of graphs and charts to help improve your ability to speak about graphs and charts. The following list the verb and noun used to speak about positive and negative movements, as well as predictions. Example sentences are found after each section. Positive to climb - a climbto ascend - an ascentto rise - a riseto improve - an improvementto recover - a recoverto increase - an increase Sales have climbed over the past two quarters.Weve experienced a rise in consumer demand.Consumer confidence recovered in the second quarter.There has been an increase of 23% since June.Have you seen any improvement in customer satisfaction? Negative to fall - a fallto decline - a declineto plunge - a plungeto decrease - a decreaseto worsen - a slipto deteriorate - a dip Research and development spending has fallen by 30% since January.Unfortunately, weve seen a decline over the past three months.As you can see, sales have plunged in the northwest region.Government spending has decreased by 10% over the past two years.Theres been a slip in profits this past quarter.Comedy book sales have deteriorated for three quarters. Predicting Future Movement to project - a projectionto forecast - a forecastto predict - a prediction We project improved sales in the coming months.As you can see from the chart, we forecast increased research and development spending next year.We predict improving sales through June. This list provides adjectives and adverbs used to describe how quickly, slowly, extremely, etc. something moves. Each adjective/adverb pair includes a definition and an example sentence. slight - slightly insignificant Theres been a slight decline in sales.Sales have declined slightly over the past two months. sharp - sharply quick, large movement Investment rose sharply during the first quarter.We made a sharp increase in investment. abrupt - abruptly sudden change Sales dropped abruptly in March.There was an abrupt drop in sales in March. rapid - rapidly quick, very fast We expanded rapidly throughout Canada.The company made a rapid expansion throughout Canada. sudden - suddenly without warning Unfortunately, consumer interest suddenly decreased.There was a sudden decrease in consumer interest in January. dramatic - dramatically extreme, very big Weve dramatically improved customer satisfaction over the past six months.As you can see from the chart, the dramatic growth has come after we invested in a new product line. calm - calmly evenly, without much change The markets have reacted calmly to recent developments.As you can see from the graph, consumers have been calm over the past few months. flat without change Profit has been flat over the past two years. steady - steadily no change There has been a steady improvement over the past three months.Sales have improved steadily since March.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Budgettting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Budgettting - Assignment Example That is; the key members involved in the project did estimate the costs related to materials, equipments, utilities, and resources needed to perform the required to complete the Germantown tree planting activity. The cost estimates of this project was done basing on a vendor bid analysis, where the receptive bids from skilled and qualified vendors provided the baseline cost estimate for every particular component integrated with the budget. Nevertheless, these costs estimate will be refined during the course of the project to include any additional details as it becomes available. The direct costs include the costs that are related to the project. These costs include cost incurred while buying tree seedling, supplies such as fertilizers and planting shovels. These costs account to more than a half of the budget spending. Indirect costs include costs that enable successful completion of the project. For instance, the personnel will require utilities such as water during the event. The tree planting exercise will call upon the outsiders and they will be given refreshments hence adding to the cost of the project. The cost associated with the promotion and advertising will be indirect costs to the project. In the variable costs changes with the level of activity being undertaken, one of the variable costs is the cost of the personnel. The more personnel turn for the activity, the higher the costs that will be incurred during the event. Similarly, the more the costs of food will tend to be higher hence making the cost of the budget to be higher. In such a program, the theme touches on a global phenomenal: Climate change. If the organization applied for grants, the application has a higher chance of being successful. Some of the organization that provides likelihood for sponsoring the project includes, United Nations Environmental Program, World Forest Service, Food and Agriculture
Enlightenment or the Great Awakening Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Enlightenment or the Great Awakening - Essay Example In reaction, a new spiritual renewal, â€Å"characterized by great fervor and emotion in prayer,†( was begun by the Wesley brothers and George Whitefield. This movement of religious revival, which crossed the Atlantic and swept over the American Colonies, particularly New England, between 1730 and 1745, is termed The Great Awakening. George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards were the most prominent preachers of this movement. The Great Awakening greatly impacted the ideological development of the Colonies. Unlike the earlier doctrine of the Puritans, the new doctrine promised the grace of God to all who experienced a desire for it. It emphasized greater intimacy with God and encouraged overt emotional expression. More importantly, a personal approach to salvation took precedence over church dogma. This undermined the authority of the church leaders and transferred power to the congregation. A large number of new religious denominations were formed. Ironically, this splintering of the hitherto dominant Puritan and Anglican groups led to a unification of the American Colonies and the birth of a â€Å"national consciousness†and an American identity. The Great Awakening was the ideological root of the American Revolution, as it effectively undermined the belief that the monarchy was sanctioned by God. The movement engendered the notion of a consensual government and the belief that State rule was a c ontract of the government with the people. Individualism in religion formed the basis for the desire for political independence. The Great Awakening united the colonists in anti-Catholic sentiment. This later metamorphosed into a deep anti-British fervor. The colonists realized that just as religious power lay in their own hands, so also could they take on the reins of government. The ideology of self-governance was an off-shoot of the Great
Friday, October 18, 2019
THE ACTIONS OF DRUGS ON THE GUINEA-PIG ISOLATED ILEUM - Lab Report Example Q2 (ii): When testing the agonist action of the morphine-like drugs, it is observable that, through the depressant action of the morphine-like drugs, it was difficult to assess the potencies because the tachyphylaxis developed rapidly. In this case, it is important to use small doses of the drug while exposing the gut to the drugs at the intervals that do not go below 30 minutes. The inhibitory effect of morphine on the twitch of longitudinal muscle was induced by the coaxial stimulation, hence leading to the dose-response curve of order ââ€" . Upon sing nalorphine-like drugs, the depressant action of the N-allyl analogue of the morphine was having the similar order to that of morphine. However, tachyphylaxis development was much more rapid with nalorphine than with morphine. When testing the antagonist action of the morphine-like drugs, tachyphylaxis was able to develop with all compounds tested, which was a strong indication on the possibility of exhibiting antagonist action under suitable conditions. In this experiment, techyphylaxix was able to develop more rapidly than compared to using the agonist. Basing on the agonist activity of the antagonists, the conventional method used for testing antagonism did not yield the decisive results. The antagonism through low concentrations of morphine of the inhibitory effect of morphine upon twitch of the longitudinal muscle was able to induce coaxial stimulation. Q3: Through using the experimental protocol or two log curves, there is a possibility of an error occurring. To avoid such errors, the formula can be modified into that of the critical ratio approach (CR). The CR is the concentration of agonist at the presence of the antagonist required for producing a fixed response to the linear part of the concentration. It is thus advisable to use the equation that relates CR to KB, which is expressed
Logistics and E-Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Logistics and E-Commerce - Essay Example Products and services ordered over internet require more delivery trucks on the road to homes and businesses. This is where Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) relevance to E-commerce is to be construed. Intelligent Transport System is defined as the application of information technology to the surface transport system. ITS covers all modes air, sea, road and rail and components of each mode – vehicles, fixed, infrastructure and control and operational systems. ITS seeks to improve the existing transport system rather than adding vehicles physically resulting in congestion. ITS stresses on reducing traffic congestion, thus reducing travel time, reducing sound and air pollution and also avoiding delays in delivery consequently keeping in time with production schedules (Jerzy Kisielnicki, 2002 ). â€Å"It often seems that net is changing every aspect of our lives, yet in other ways, it has had little effect. There are two opposing ideas of what effect of the net will have on supply chains and logistics. One view suggests that increased efficiency will pay rewards for all parties in a supply chain. The other view is that the net will overwhelm the supply chains, spot markets will make it impossible to plan and instability will dominate. But we have seen stability even during recessions in most of the economy. Important point to note is that web enabled supply chain may be the future but a manufacturer survives on the quality of the goods and relationship with customers and suppliers.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Personal Leadership Assessment and Philosophy Project Essay
Personal Leadership Assessment and Philosophy Project - Essay Example The importance that has been given to this area of research is the importance of leadership on employees, performance and overall success of the organizations. There have been a lot of facts and myths associated with the concept of leadership. In the past, leadership was linked by people with the superhuman characteristics bestowed by God to various leaders. This idea was further developed by Weber and named as Charisma by him. The leadership charisma involved the qualities and special characteristics that leaders posses. The leaders having leadership charisma are Charismatics. The concept of Charisma actually directs towards the special power and influence of Charismatics over the followers (Rickards & Clark, p79). In addition to the concept of charisma in leadership, it has been a point of debate if leadership skills are inborn or they can be taught. Researchers have been struggling to find an appropriate answer to this. However, it is not unjust to say that the answer to this ques tion contains an equal portion of both statements. The answer to this question has been given attention for the reason that it may help organizations have effective leaders. Brainpower is the only thing that requires being in a person naturally. Knowledge can be gained, skills can be learnt but intelligence cannot be generated. A person needs to be intelligent and sharp in order to gain knowledge and utilize it. Leadership requires certain traits in a person. These traits include strength of mind, interest to resolve issues, ready to face challenges, power to proceed with plans, will to succeed, determination and passion (Levicki, 2008). Personal Values of my Leadership Leadership qualities, theories and concepts are valuable and useful when it comes to practical life. The leadership skills are not limited to benefit in businesses but are useful in leading all teams including the political, social, cultural and virtual ones. The leadership techniques, qualities and skills are of par amount importance in successfully handling the followers. Religious and political leaders may be taken as a helpful example of how influential leaders are. My personal experiences helped a lot in learning the concept of leadership in a better way. The theory and practice of leadership differ in some ways. However, the theory and literature on leadership helps in understanding and building a better and more influential personality to handle and motivate the followers. To make my opinion more clear and effective I would describe Managerial work and leadership. Since my personal life involves being a financial manager who directly reports to the president of the company I know quite about the concepts of leadership. The step by step development of my career and promotions helped me in understanding which traits are valued and which ones are not. Managerial work is closely linked to leadership. A leader is a person who carry out plans and knows what to do, whereas, a manager is a person who knows how to do things and how would they actually complete a particular task. For instance, a student who is making a plan to carry out a stage performance on some occasion and take the responsibility to select
The Rise Of The Feminist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Rise Of The Feminist - Essay Example Feminism is a general term used to describe a very broad and complex ideology. There are lots of different feminist theories and approaches, as well as several different types of feminists. The most straightforward meaning however describes it as ‘a movement advocating the rights of women and of their social, political and economic equality with men’ (Roger Scruton). Feminism views the personal experiences of women and men through gender – gender identity (how people think of themselves), gender roles (how people act), and gender stratification (each sex’s social standing) are all rooted in the operation of society. Although feminists are united by their common desire for sexual justice and their concern for women’s welfare, there is a wide spectrum of ‘feminisms’ (Ann Oakley). These can be divided into four broad groups, liberal, radical, Marxist/socialist and Black. This essay will only however look at the former two in more detail. Those who consider themselves to be feminists disagree about many things (this mainly depends on which of variants they fall into); most feminists usually support some general principles however: ‘All the varieties of feminism contain at their heart a paradox – requiring gender consciousness for their basis, their political rallying cry is the elimination of gender roles.’ The importance of change is obviously paramount in feminist thinking as feminism is definitely political since it links ideas to action. Feminism is critical of status quo, and promotes social equality for women and men.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Personal Leadership Assessment and Philosophy Project Essay
Personal Leadership Assessment and Philosophy Project - Essay Example The importance that has been given to this area of research is the importance of leadership on employees, performance and overall success of the organizations. There have been a lot of facts and myths associated with the concept of leadership. In the past, leadership was linked by people with the superhuman characteristics bestowed by God to various leaders. This idea was further developed by Weber and named as Charisma by him. The leadership charisma involved the qualities and special characteristics that leaders posses. The leaders having leadership charisma are Charismatics. The concept of Charisma actually directs towards the special power and influence of Charismatics over the followers (Rickards & Clark, p79). In addition to the concept of charisma in leadership, it has been a point of debate if leadership skills are inborn or they can be taught. Researchers have been struggling to find an appropriate answer to this. However, it is not unjust to say that the answer to this ques tion contains an equal portion of both statements. The answer to this question has been given attention for the reason that it may help organizations have effective leaders. Brainpower is the only thing that requires being in a person naturally. Knowledge can be gained, skills can be learnt but intelligence cannot be generated. A person needs to be intelligent and sharp in order to gain knowledge and utilize it. Leadership requires certain traits in a person. These traits include strength of mind, interest to resolve issues, ready to face challenges, power to proceed with plans, will to succeed, determination and passion (Levicki, 2008). Personal Values of my Leadership Leadership qualities, theories and concepts are valuable and useful when it comes to practical life. The leadership skills are not limited to benefit in businesses but are useful in leading all teams including the political, social, cultural and virtual ones. The leadership techniques, qualities and skills are of par amount importance in successfully handling the followers. Religious and political leaders may be taken as a helpful example of how influential leaders are. My personal experiences helped a lot in learning the concept of leadership in a better way. The theory and practice of leadership differ in some ways. However, the theory and literature on leadership helps in understanding and building a better and more influential personality to handle and motivate the followers. To make my opinion more clear and effective I would describe Managerial work and leadership. Since my personal life involves being a financial manager who directly reports to the president of the company I know quite about the concepts of leadership. The step by step development of my career and promotions helped me in understanding which traits are valued and which ones are not. Managerial work is closely linked to leadership. A leader is a person who carry out plans and knows what to do, whereas, a manager is a person who knows how to do things and how would they actually complete a particular task. For instance, a student who is making a plan to carry out a stage performance on some occasion and take the responsibility to select
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Current Environmental Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Current Environmental Issue - Essay Example This implies that this is anthropogenic climate, and the noteworthy upsurges in the air of these powerful greenhouse gases are as a result of human practices. The most forces of the conservatory gases are carbon dioxide, methane as well as nitrous oxide. These gases accumulate in the atmosphere, resulting into concentrations to escalation with time. Significant increases in all these gases have happened in the industrialized period. Accordingly, all these increases are attributed to human practices. For instance, carbon dioxide has amplified from fossil fuel usage in transport, construction heating and cooling, as well as the production of cement and other products. Deforestation discharges carbon dioxide and lessens its uptake by vegetation. On the other hand, methane has amplified because of human practices associated with agriculture, natural gas circulation and landfills. It is discharged from natural processes that take place in swamplands. Nitrous oxide is also produced by huma n practices including the use of manures and the fossil fuels burning. Natural processes in soils and the oceans also discharge nitrous oxide into the atmosphere thus interfering with the climate change, which leads to global warming and its consequences. ... They comprise of both natural influence and human influences. For instance, burning of biomass and use of fossil fuels involving sulphur compounds as well as black carbon among others are all human activities that lead to aerosol formation. Furthermore, human practices such as mining and industrial activities have increased dust in the atmosphere. Therefore, anthropogenic climate change is greatly because of human events on earth. According to studies, the universe has a natural greenhouse effect where particular gases referred to as greenhouse gases in the troposphere permit the sunshine to enter but absorb the heat radioactivity. Because these gases absorb the heat, they maintain the average surface temperature on the universe. Therefore, without the ordinary greenhouse effect, the universe`s average surface temperature would be negative nineteen degrees Celsius. Human practices have augmented the amount if greenhouse gases on earth since the commencement of the industrial uprising . The increased amount of gases that take in heat has directly caused more heat being reserved in the atmosphere and thus intensification in universal average surface temperatures. This transformation in temperature is referred to as global warming. The increase in temperature is also resulting into other impacts on the climate system. Therefore, all these affects linked together are referred to as anthropogenic meaning human cause climate change. Climate change fits within the definition of the concept of anthropogenic change because the effects that are encountered from climate change are because of human caused activities. For instance, the increase in human population led to the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Results negatively Essay Example for Free
Results negatively Essay According to this result then, we must accept the null hypothesis that there is no significant association between the age of the children and the ability to conserve number. Discussion Having analysed the results, with the df of 5, the critical value for an alpha value of 0. 05 is 11. 07 and because our figure was smaller than this, the result becomes non-significant. Consequently, there was no significant relationship between the age of children and their ability to conserve number. Hence the experimental hypothesis was rejected and the null hypothesis accepted. Compared to the 3 year old children, the 5 year olds conserved slightly better. Only 4 of the 3-year-olds got the right answer whereas 5 of the 5-year-olds answered correctly. Having said this, 3 year old tended to get more wrong answers. 8 of the 3-year-olds got the wrong answer, compared to only 5 wrong answers from the five-year-olds. This shows that there may be a slight difference between 3 and 5 year olds in conserving number, as 5-year-olds seemed to conserve better. Also during the experiment it was observed that, in the 3-year-old condition, 2 out of 7 children actually counted the blocks before answering. In contrast 5 out of 7 children counted before answering in the 5-year-old condition. The fact that those who did not count still got the right answer could be put down to the child simply guessing. As the outcomes of psychological experiments are often subject to uncertainty, interpretation is required in order to find out whether or not there is an association between the independent variable and the dependant variable. Similarly, there could be many different reasons as to why these differences occurred. Although this study did not portray any significant gender differences, variances in gender must be taken into account. The environment a child grew up in could effect their ability to conserve. Factors such as the childs parents financial position and educational status could effect the intelligence of a child. Due to lack of learning resources, the childs education could suffer because they are not able to achieve their full potential. In addition, biological and innate elements could account for the differences between the ability for the child to be able to conserve. Some children may be predisposed with such genes, which may hinder their progress. The results of this study agreed with Piagets views and conclusions. According to Piaget, the child did not posses the concept of the conservation of number. Similar to Piagets experiments and results, this study also found that there was no significant association between the childs age and the ability to conserve. Conversely, this study refutes Light et als conclusion that maybe Piaget underestimated the childs ability and stated that children can in fact conserve number. In a psychological experiment there are many components which could have effected the results. Similarly, the sample size of this experiment could have led the results to be non-generalisable. The sample size was extremely small this could have effected the results negatively. Firstly it lacks validity and reliability because the results could not be generalised. Secondly, if more children were used there was more chance of the results being reliable. In addition, there were many methodological problems, which could have biased the results especially due to the fact that the participants were children. During the course of the experiment, it was noticed that the children tended to give the experimenters opinion rather than their own by imitating the experimenters words. For instance, when the child was asked if the cubes were the same, less or more, then they tended to answer more. Conversely, when these same three words were said in a different order, the child still tended to repeat the experimenters last word. A way of eliminating this problem could be by asking the child to write their response down. Alternatively, a computer could be used to lessen the interaction between the experimenter and child, in order to use these two methods. However, further investigation maybe required, as some children may not be able to read or write. Another, vital observation was made, some children, especially the three year olds tended to treat the experiment as a game. After one answer, they wanted to start playing with the cubes. This problem could be overcome by making the whole process a bit more interesting for the child. Other factors, which were not directly visible, were that firstly, children may not understand what is being asked of them to do, therefore their answer may reflect self-desirability. Secondly, children especially the three-year-olds, do not always realise the difference between real and make believe. Thirdly, adults may find it difficult to relate to children as their emotions and ways of thinking contrast. Fourthly, children should be relaxed, they might feel threatened at the slightest of things. In addition, children need an incentive or motive to do something for someone and are very easily influenced. A cognitive explanation of this is that children have short attention spans therefore get bored easily and want to do something else. Having said this though, problems like these exist in every experiment regardless of whether the participants are children. The sign of a true experiment is one, which devises new techniques to overcome the difficulties. In conclusion, it can be said that the findings of these studies are in line with previous studies, specifically Piagets. Therefore according to this study results children still do not have the ability to conserve number.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Performance of Goldman Sachs and Financial Ratio Analysis
Performance of Goldman Sachs and Financial Ratio Analysis Conventionally the Bank performance is evaluated by analysis of the financial ratios. However, despite of quite a few number of ratios being calculated, a sculpt that completely convinces the analysis of requirements and bank operations efficiency evaluation is yet to be developed. Hence for these reason, the financial ratio analysis is balance with unlike eminence evaluations, with characteristics such as organization quality, equity structure, spirited position and others which are incorporated in the concluding assessment. In this piece of work we are going to evaluate overall performance of Goldman Sachs and critically analyse how financial ratios are used to evaluate banks performance. The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a American investment banking and securities organisation which slot in global investment banking, securities, investment management, and erstwhile financial services principally with institutional clients. Goldman Sachs was founded in the year 1869 and its headquarter is at 200 West Street in the Lower Manhattan area of New York City. It has additional offices in major international financial hubs. The Goldman Sachs offers mergers and acquisitions advice, underwriting services, asset management, and prime brokerage to its clientele, which include corporations, governments and individuals. The Goldman Sachs also engages in proprietary trading and private equity deals, and is a primary dealer in the United States Treasury security market (Goldman Sachs Website). Bank Internal Performance Evaluation Strategic planning Goldman Sachs ability to address and tap into important economic and financial trends through roles such as advisor, financier, market maker and asset manager are critical for fulfilling their mission to help spur growth and perform strongly as a firm. Technology Technology is a core part of GS product offering and client experience. GS ability to respond quickly and effectively to address its clients needs with customized systems, products and services helps differentiate the firm. A technological advantage for GS is that they have only one central risk system, which is partially a byproduct of not having done multiple, major acquisitions that often require merging and retrofitting platforms. Personnel development The success of the GSs efforts are measured by how effectively their people act. Over time, effective training and development have enrich their corporate culture and strengthen the values of client service and focus on reputational risk management. Recognition includes compensation, promotion, assignments and mobility opportunities. They have made it clear the link between the behaviour expected of its people and the recognition used to encourage it. This is critically important because it signals broadly the way GS expects its people to behave and conduct business (Goldman Sachs Annual report 2010). Bank External Performance Evaluation Market share GS has frequently performed above the market despite worsening economic conditions. Since the 2008, the company has outpaced the market enough to draw public admiration. With strong profits and expected strong returns, the company has set aside $500M to invest in small businesses. These efforts are a combination to both improve the economy and their public image. Regulatory compliance The Dodd-Frank legislation and new capital and liquidity requirements under Basel 3 are two of the more significant outcomes from the recent focus on enhancing financial stability. Given regulatory implementation is only just beginning, and unclear on how the new rules will ultimately impact the industry. The broad contours of new regulation, however, are clear: improve the safety and soundness of the global financial system, increase the transparency of derivatives markets, limit certain investing activities and reduce the consequences of a failure of a large financial institution. Public confidence Goldman Sachs announced in May 2010 that it formed a Business Standards Committee to reshape its business practices and mend its reputation. Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein said at the time that there is a disconnect between how we view the firm and how the broader public perceives our roles and activities. GSs shareholders, BoDs, clients and customers have supported Mr. Blankfein through all the crisis and this shows their faith in bank (Goldman Sachs Annual report 2010). 4.0 Analyzing Bank Performance with Profit Ratios Goldman Sachs financial performance was better in 2009 than 2010 and Q4 2009 was the best quarter since the recession. 4.1 ROE Return on equity (ROE= net income after taxes/total equity) reveal GS capability to produce profits from shareholders equity (further referred as net assets or assets minus liabilities). In other words, ROE shows how effectively a company uses the shareholders money. As seen in graphical representation above, it is clear that Goldman Sachs is tendering a lower return on shareholders equity as compared to year ended in2009. The ROE of GS for the last year was 18.93% as compared to 10.08% this year. There has a been a significant decrease in the ROE which suggests GS is not utilising shareholders money properly. GS return on equity has declined substantially due to deleverage and is only marginally higher than its current cost of capital. 4.2 ROA Return on assets (ROA = net income after taxes/total assets) is how resourcefully a firm uses its assets. From the formula it is quite obvious that higher the ratio, the company is performing more efficiently and thus is generating more profits. A low ROA with enormous assets designate that the firm is handling its asset at a poor rate. As seen in graphical representation above, it is seen that Goldman Sachs has provided a lower ROA of 0.91% this year over 1.58% last year. There is one key differentiation between ROE and ROA and it is debt. In absence of debt, the shareholders equity is same as total assets of the firm which means that in this case, ROE and ROA are identical. Now if the firm come to a decision to take a loan, ROE exceeds ROA. A elevated ROE does not always guarantee a extraordinary performance of a firm. Incidentally, ROA is then a healthier pointer of the financial performance of a firm. With a high ROA and manageable debt, if ROE is also high it means that the company is generating decent profits using shareholders money. But if ROA is low and there is huge debt carried by the company, even a high ROE can only be a misleading figure. 4.3 Net Interest Margin 4.4 Leverage ratio Debt to Equity Ratio 4.5 Decomposition of ROE DuPont Analysis As revealed in Appendix B, The ROE of a bank is dependent on a various factors and thus change in any one of these factor can affect the rate of return on shareholders equity of the bank. As Net Income is the main source to calculate ROE in conjunction with the shareholders equity in the bank, every alteration in the Income and Expense of the bank openly affects the net income and thus influence the ROE of a bank. The detailed DuPont analysis of Goldman Sachs for year 2010 is presented in Appendix B. The ROE is decomposed as follows wrt dupont identity. Now assuming that changes are made in Income or Expense levels of the Goldman Sachs, its effect will be seen on ROA and ROE. Let us consider a case where the Interest Expense for Goldman Sachs goes down by 10% and there are no changes in its Interest Income, following are the effects on ROA and ROE of the bank. Scenario 1 : -5% change in interest expense Change Values after change Interest Expense -10% 6125.4 Interest Income 0% 12309 Effect on NI 6680.6 39841.6 Effect on ROA +0.07% 0.99% Effect on ROE +0.88% 11.68% A few other situations with amendment in Total Non-interest Income and expenses and their outcome on the ROA ROE of bank are given away in the chart below. Scenario 2 : -5% change in non-interest expense Change Values after change Total Non-interest Income -5% 31975.1 Effect on NI -1682.9 37478.1 Effect on ROA -0.19% 0.73% Effect on ROE -1.46% 8.62% Scenario 3 : +10% change in non-interest expense Change Values after change Total Non-interest Expenses 10% 27962 Effect on NI -2542 3160 Effect on ROA -0.31% 0.27% Effect on ROE -4.44% 3.78% Bank Performance Evaluation Based on Economic Profit 5.1 Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) In risk- adjusted return on capital the capital is allocated for two vital motives: (1) risk management and (2) performance evaluation. In support of risk-management rationale, the banks most favourable capital structure can be establish by allocation of capital to individual business units. This course of action entails assessing the amount of the risk (volatility) each business unit chip in to the total risk of the bank and hence to its overall capital requirements. Now, for performance-evaluation function, RAROC structure allocate capital to business units as part of a procedure for shaping the risk-adjusted rate of return and, eventually, the economic value added of each business unit. The EVA of every and each business unit is its adjusted net income minus the amount of equity capital allocated to the unit times the required return on equity. The purpose is to compute a business units input to shareholder value and so to provide a source for effective capital budgeting and incentive compensation at the business-unit level. RAROC is calculated by dividing risk-adjusted net income by the total amount of economic capital assigned which is dependent on the risk calculation. Risk-adjusted net income is calculated by taking the financial data allotment to the bank and fine-tuning the income statement for expected loss. A further modification is also required to take into account the effects on the net interest margin because the attention is moved from book profitability to economic profitability. Thus RAROC = Risk adjusted income / Allocated Capital RAROC for 2010 of Goldman Sachs therefore comes to 2.24 %. Let us consider some scenarios where the risk adjusted income for Goldman Sachs are changed by {-2%, +2%, -5% +5%}, The effect on its RAROC is represented as below. Change in Risk Adjusted Income 2 % + 2 % 5 % Effect on RAROC 2.20 % 2.29 % 2.13 % Economic Value Added (EVA) EVA (Economic Valued Added) is a present day financial dimension instrument which concludes whether a business is earning greater than its true cost of capital. EVA stands out apart from ROA ROE which are most accepted measures of bank performance. This is because it includes cost of equity capital employed. On the other hand, net banking income and the efficiency ratio, also, do not consider the cost of equity capital employed. Therefore, these ratios possibly will propose a banks performance as healthy but in fact it could be deteriorating its value to its shareholders. EVA is essentially a tool that focuses on maximizing shareholder wealth. EVA = Adjusted earnings Opportunity cost of capital {Net operating Profit after Taxes} {Cost of Equity X Equity Capital } With an aim of creating values, the return on invested capital (ROIC) for a bank must be greater than cost of capital. So, the EVA can be possibly increased in quite a few ways, by: 1) Increasing Net operating Profit after Taxes; 2) Lowering the Cost of Equity and 3) Reducing Equity Capital Conclusion Year on year Goldman Sachs revenues have descended by 11.04% from $51.67bn to $45.97bn. This along with an increase in the cost of goods sold expense has contributed to a reduction in net income from $13.39bn to $8.35bn, a 37.59% decrease. In 2010, Goldman Sachs did not generate a significant amount of cash. Cash Flow from Financing totalled $7.84bn or 17.05% of revenues. In addition the company used 6.16bn for operations while cash used for investing totalled $185m. Goldman results were also dragged down by a $465 million one-time expense to cover a U.K. payroll tax and a $550 million outlay to settle SEC charges that it favoured certain clients over others.
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