Friday, September 6, 2019

Quiz 3 Questions and Answers Essay Example for Free

Quiz 3 Questions and Answers Essay 1. You are installing a network card in a computer that has several devices configured. There is a printer on LPT 1, a mouse on COM 1, a modem on COM 2, and a SCSI host adapter occupying IRQ 10. The computer also has a sound card using IRQ 5. If your network card supports IRQs 3 through 5 and 9 through 11, which of the following IRQs could you set it for in this computer? IRQ7 IRQ3 IRQ10 None of these IRQ4 IRQ5 2. A 100BaseVG network is build on a ______ topology with all computers attached to a hub ring mesh all of these star bus 3. Your network is experiencing heavy traffic and signal attenuation due to long cable distances between computers. Required Result: Correct the signal attenuation problem. Optional Desired Results: Reduce the broadcast traffic that is present on your network. Filter the network traffic to reduce the number of frames transferred across the network. Proposed Solution: Install repeaters between distant segments. Install routers and configure them to filter broadcast traffic. Which results does the proposed solution produce? The proposed solution produces the required result but does not produce any of the optional desired results.. The proposed solution produces the  required result and produces only one of the optional desired results.. The proposed solution does not produce the required result. The proposed solution produces the required result and produces both of the optional desired results. None of these 4. In a Token Ring frame the ______ field indicates whether the frame is a token frame or a data frame. none of these Access Control error checking priority media type 5. Cables attach the individual clients and serves to the MSAU that works like other ____________ hubs switch active passive bridge none of these 6. A token is a special type of ____________ that circulates around a cable ring data transmission frame or packet electrical signals none of these serial signals 7. Managing data on a network depends on traffic control. The set of rules that governs how network traffic is controlled is called: Channels Layers Interface Drivers. Access Methods. 8. You are considering starting a training company that provides on-site classroom instruction to various businesses. Your service will include a temporary networked classroom environment. Assuming that the facilities do not have pre-installed wiring and that the classroom will use 10 or less computers, which topology would require the least equipment and be the easiest to set up and tear down. [Choose the best answer] Star. All of these Ring. Mesh Bus. 9. With the demand-priority access method, the ____________ manage network access by doing round-robin searches for requests to send from all nodes. none of these users routers gateways hubs 10. CSMA/CD is known as a ____________ access method because computers on the network compete for an opportunity to send data poling parallel contention sequential priority 11. Ethernet can use several communication ____________ including TCP/IP protocols data paths channels applications media 12. Typically, the hub of a 10BaseT network serves as a multiport ________. 13. The 100BaseTX topology runs on UTP Category ________ data-grade cable 5 1 2 4 3 14. Because single-segment 10Base2 Ethernet limits would be too confining for a large business, ____________ can be used to join Ethernet segments and extend the network to a total length of 925 meters (about 3035 feet). none of these 4 repeaters 5 repeaters 2 repeaters 3 repeaters 5-4-3 rule The thinnet 5-4-3 rule: 5 segments, 4 repeaters, and 3 populated segments 15. Wi-Fi Wireless networks use _________ access method. Demand priority Token Bus CSMA/CA CSMA/CD Token Ring 16. Access methods prevent ____________ access to the media. preemptive None of these slow random simultaneous 17. A standard ethernet network can combine as many as ____________ cable segments connected by four repeaters, but only three segments can have stations attached. 6 none of these 3 4 5 18. A 10Base5 topology is also referred to as ____________. standard ethernet 802.3 Thicknet all of these 19. Token passing is deterministic, meaning that a computer cannot force its way onto the network as it can in a ______ environment CSMA/CD Polling Demand priority CSMA/CA Switching 20. Which type of network media-access method do IBM LANs with Multistation Access Units employ? CSMA/CA. CSMA/CD Beaconing Token passing. None of these 21. The trailer of a packet contains the destination address False True 22. In the IBM implementation of Token Ring, a star-wired ring, the actual physical ring of cable is in the ________. MSAU all of these none of these hub Repeater 23. When using the CSMA/CA access method, a computer waits until the network is quiet and then transmits its data. If two computers transmit at the same time, the data will collide and have to be re-sent. If two data packets collide, both will be destroyed. False. True 24. Ethernet relies on the ____________ access method to regulate traffic on the main cable segment CSMA/CA CSMA/CD all of these Token Ring Demand Priority 25. MSAUs were designed to sense when a ________ fails and to disconnect from it. Hub Cable NIC Network Computer CPU 26. Which access method is used, when each computer communicates only with a hub. The hub then controls the flow of data a. CSMA/CD b. CSMA/CA. c. Token Bus. d. Token Ring e. Demand priority c only a only both c and d e only b only d only 27. With data masses divided into _______, individual transmissions occur more frequently so that every computer on the network has more opportunities to transmit and receive data. bits messages frames or packets files bytes 28. In a packet, the header usually contains an error-checking component called a CRC True False 29. Which access methods is used, when each computer must wait to receive a token before it can transmit data. Only one computer at a time can use the token. a. CSMA/CD b. CSMA/CA. c. Token Bus. d. Token Ring e. Demand priority both c and d c only e only d only both a and b 30. A Token Ring network is an implementation of IEEE standard ____________. 802.4 802.2 802.11 802.5 802.3 31. Which of the following network access methods sends a signal indicating its intent to transmit data on the wire? [Choose the best answer] CSMA/CD Token passing. Beaconing CSMA/CA. None of these 32. If you must configure a network for three mission-critical servers and want to provide a highly fault-tolerant cabling scheme, which topology would you implement? [Choose the best answer] Star. Bus. Mesh None of these Ring. 33. With the token-passing access method, only one computer at a time can use the token; therefore, there are no _______. broadcastings contentions collisions all of these collisions and contentions 34. A packet (frame) components are grouped into sections: _________. CRC data header all of these trailer 35. When an IBM Token Ring network is full, adding another ____________ can enlarge the network MSAU all of these repeater Hub 36. With CSMA/CD, if there is data on the cable, no other computer may ____________ until the data has reached its destination and the cable is clear again transmit and receive none of these receive transmit 37. With more traffic on a CSMA/CD network, ____________ tend to increase, slowing the network down broadcasting all of these transmissions collisions unicasting 38. Fast Ethernet is another name for the ____________ topology 100BaseX all of these 100BaseFX 100BaseT4 100BaseT 39. The 10BaseT topology is an Ethernet network that uses _________ cable to connect stations Coaxial UTP and STP STP UTP Fiber 40. Packets (Frames) may contain session-control codes, such as error correction, that indicate the need for a ______. unicast recall stop transmission retransmission broadcast 41. Your network is experiencing heavy traffic and signal attenuation due to long cable distances between computers. Required Result: Correct the signal attenuation problem. Optional Desired Results: Reduce the broadcast traffic that is present on your network. Filter the network traffic to reduce the number of frames transferred across the network. P roposed Solution: Install repeaters between distant segments. Which results does the proposed solution produce? The proposed solution produces the required result and produces both of the optional desired results. None of these The proposed solution does not produce the required result. The proposed solution produces the required result but does not produce any of the optional desired results.. The proposed solution produces the required result and produces only one of the optional desired results. Check with Prof 42. Which of the following is most likely the problem if the operating system is unable to detect the network card? (Choose the best answer) Wrong frame type is set on the network card Wrong IRQ is set on the network card Wrong IRQ is set on the IDE controller card Wrong protocol is bound to the network adapter 43. Wireless networks use _______ topology mesh all of these star bus ring 44. In the demand-priority access method, transmissions are not ____________ to all other computers on the network multicast routed unicast all of these broadcast 45. When a frame returns to its sending computer, that computer ____________ the frame and puts a new token back on the ring. copies writes reads removes none of these 46. Every network interface card sees all packets sent on its segment, but it interrupts the computer only if the packet address matches its individual address True False 47. Typically, Ethernet is a baseband architecture that uses a _________topology all of these star mesh bus ring 48. The maximum length of a 10BaseT segment is ____________ meters 138 1000 500 250 100

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