Thursday, August 27, 2020
Importance of Software Quality and methods for assessment Essay
Significance of Software Quality and strategies for evaluation - Essay Example The above expressed definitions are fundamental and significant from alternate points of view; regardless of whether they share the related pith. The away from of client needs by programming items by methods for working prerequisites. Almost certainly, the product quality straightforwardly influences the activity just as support of programming; anyway the subject of how to fairly and logically evaluate programming quality is turning out be a problem area in field of programming building. Programming quality assessment requires a ton of devoted assignments which are extremely fundamental to be performed during programming life cycle and it likewise gives a standard to assessing programming quality that is commonly applied and kept up all through programming advancement systems and practices. During the whole procedure of programming quality confirmations to get the most extreme quality and execution we need to relentlessly discovered programming quality all through strategies and prop ortions of programming advancement. In the current circumstance, we are required to reveal current status of the product, give compelling and most ideal methods for purchaser, engineer and evaluator and from there on predict follow-up improvement pattern of programming quality (Bawane and Srikrishna, 2008; Aimin and Wenxiang, 2009; Mohanty, 1979).In this area I will feature a portion of the primary perspectives on the product quality affirmation from the points of view of various businesses. So in this examination we will decide a portion of the primary attributes of programming quality affirmation from the perspective of a few partners.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Women and Associations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ladies and Associations - Essay Example Ladies and affiliations are about the data of the US ladies rotating around their history and their triumphs dependent on their ways of life, ethnic gatherings, religions and where they originate from. The elements that spurred ladies to begin NACWC were to guarantee that, the Africa American-based women’s government assistance was all around dealt with in their social orders. They additionally planned for securing their social equality when it came to issues that concerned enlistment and casting a ballot and they needed to address the issues that confronted military and schools in their networks. The effect of this gathering prompted numerous advantages in the American social orders; where they created goals for kids, who were powerless, settled and guaranteed that young ladies were busy with occupations and created schools to advance instruction. Then again, the National Women’s Party NWP, was an association whose individuals were ladies and was established in 1915. The affiliation battled for the women’s rights in America around the twentieth century explicitly the rights that would empower them to be equivalent to the manner in which men were dealt with. When differentiated to associations like the National Association of Colored ladies, which focused on the campaigning explicit states, NWP managed matters that concerned the constitution alteration that battled for women’s option to cast a ballot and get puts in workplaces. NWP likewise battled for the equivalent rights to be fused in the constitution where they crusaded for their moderate of their societies and their occupations (DuBois, 2008).
Friday, August 21, 2020
Further Away versus Farther Away
Further Away versus Farther Away There are times when English can be confusing, even to native speakers who learned the language from the cradle. One of the common areas of confusion arises when we have to choose between two words which seem to be almost the same. Learning to properly understand the different uses of different words is one aspect of improving your vocabulary. For example, the question whether to use further away or farther away can be confusing. They look very similar, and their meanings are similar too. When were talking, few people would even notice the difference, but when were writing, we need to be more precise and choose our words carefully. How will we know when to use further and when to use farther? Luckily, theres a very simple way to work it out when you proofread your writing. Its the difference between literal distance and figurative distance. Distances can be literal or figurative When we refer to distance, it can be either literal or figurative. For example: How much farther will we have to drive to reach our hotel? In this example, the person asking the question is looking for a literal distance. They want to know how many miles they will have to travel to reach their destination. Farther is completely correct in this context. In the following example, our distance is figurative: Would you like me to explain this further? Obviously, the answer here cant be Five miles because we arent looking at a literal distance. The good news is theres a simple and useful trick to remembering the difference. To make your life easier, you can remember the correct use for farther by looking at the first syllable, Far. Now think of all the distance measurements. There are miles, kilometers, centimeters, inches and so on. Would you associate these measurements with what you are going to say? If so, then farther is the word you should be choosing in order to be 100% correct. Now consider further as being an add-on: You can have a further $5. It will be a further year before you finish your studies. I was further insulted by her rude behavior on Sunday. It tells you that something extra is going to be added. Interchangeability: just to make you more confused Now that we have a clear explanation of when to use the word farther rather than further its time to muddy the waters a little. Although you shouldnt use farther at times when further is the more appropriate choice, there are times when you can use further instead of farther. There are even some who advise you to choose further when in doubt. People have been using these two words interchangeably for a long time, and in other parts of the world where English is spoken, further is used much more often, while few people use farther at all. But if you want to fit in with accepted modern American grammar, its important to remember the simple distinction between the literal distance farther and the figurative distance further. If you are writing a report or an essay, you need to choose the correct word, and the usages weve just discussed are accepted as correct in both the Chicago Manual of Style and the AP Stylebook. But there are still cases in American grammar in which we will find that the two words are interchangeable. For instance: How much farther do you have to read? and How much further do you have to read? would both be correct. After all, you could be asking someone how many pages they still need to read to finish the book, or you could be asking if they will have to read more books or more chapters to get the information they need. In the first example, youre asking for a literal distance in the number of pages. In the second example, youre asking for a figurative distance. As with so many other grammar rules, context is very important. Lets keep it simple. If reading this has made you more confused than ever, then just hold onto this thought: Farther is a distance and further is something extra. How easy is that?
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Moral Ambivalence Of Crime And Criminology - 977 Words
Crime and Criminology Essay It is common knowledge that crime exists all over the world and that justice and punishment may vary in different countries and societies. However, how justice and punishment is enforced in a society and globally is not common knowledge. Global justice refers to the belief that the world is unjust; while social justice, in a manner of speaking, refers to the fair treatment of everyone in a society.(â€Å"Social Justice†). Both social and global justice value human rights, remove inequality, and holds people accountable for fair practices.(â€Å"Social Justice†). If someone commits the same crime as another person, for example, they should receive the same punishment. That is what most people would be inclined to believe, but in the reading â€Å"The Moral Ambivalence of Crime in an Unjust Society†by Jeffrey Reiman, crime and justice is reviewed and defined in an uncommon way. Reiman discusses justice in a society where a crime was committed against him an d his wife. A visit to France should be like a dream come true, an experience of a lifetime, but for Jeffrey Reiman and his wife it was not. In the summer of 2005, they visited a town called Nice. After traveling all night, the couple picked up a car that they were leasing for the summer. Before they could lock the doors to the car or even enjoy any of the accommodations, they were victimized. There, in the city of Nice, they have a crime called vol a la portiere, â€Å"theft through the door.†This
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Volkswagen Managing It Priorities Case Study - 714 Words
VW: Managing IT priorities Case Study 1. Define acronyms BPTO, DBC, ITSC, PMO, NRG and explain. BPTO, Business Process Technology Organization. This was a department created by Matulovic. They dealt with projects that dealt with â€Å"challenged†projects. Also known as the firefighter department due to the type of projects it received. DBC: Digital Business Council, this council was created to asses the impact the business side of IT projects. The challenge with this council was to align IT related projects with business goals from Volkswagen. ITSC: IT Steering Committee, This a committee that was composed of high level, senior business executives. Their tasks were to select and prioritize the IT projects needed urgently. PMO: Program†¦show more content†¦Should IT department have its own budget? A. The departments in charged of controlling the budget reviews for the projects are the Digital Business Council and the Program Management Office . The people who should control these budgets in my opinion are the same people who approve the projects. In the case of Volkswagen, VW: Managing IT priorities Case Study I do deem it as necessary for the PMO to control the money that goes allocated into these project. The demand for approvals will be notoriously high for projects internationally however, in my opinion the PMO should delegate sub-committees nationally due to the nature of the business. It would be hard to create an architecture that would align perfectly to the needs and wants of affiliates around the world. I do not think IT should have a budget. IT works as a support function in the company, I do not think IT with their own budget would make great decisions all the time. Just like I think business departments controlling the IT budget make the right decisions. There must be a middle ground, with committees and subcommittees of MIS professionals, who truly get a sense of the implications and severity of these projects. Therefore, I do not think the IT department should have their own budget, but instead there should be an allocation of the IT budget per each business function. 4. How should Matulovic respond to his fellow executives who are calling to ask him for special treatment outside the newShow MoreRelatedVolkswagen of America: Managing IT Priorities1308 Words  | 6 Pages In today’s world, IS alignment is crucial for the operation and growth of businesses. Information systems allow businesses to deal with vast amounts of complex information and run more efficiently. Founded in 1930s, Volkswagen is the leading automotive vehicle manufacturer in Germany. However, its USA branch was facing problems with inadequate IT human resources due to excessive outsourcing and a reduction of internal IT staff. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Four Stages Of Policymaking Essay - 1720 Words
When it comes to policy making in the US, it can be very complex. The policy making involves numerous steps and its interaction of the various political institutions. When we talk about Policymaking, there’s a process and it has four stages. The four stages go as followed; Agenda Setting, Formulation, Implementation, and Evaluation. After I discuss these four stages, I will talk about the Political Institutions. They’re categorized as Congress, The President, The Bureaucracy, and The Courts. I will first be discussing the four stages of policymaking in which the first step is Agenda Setting. Agenda Setting is defined as a theory in mass-communication that states the media would have the ability to determine in which the issues are important to its public. It has the ability to influence the salience of topics on the public agenda. This theory was first introduced by Dr. Maxwell McCombs and Dr. Donald Shaw in the year 1972. With the agenda setting theory of Doctors McCombs and Shaw, it would state that the media would end up reflecting on the views of the current candidate during a campaign. The Agenda Setting would also shape and be determining the issues of its importance accordingly. With this being said, it would end up setting the agenda for a political campaign. When we look at the agenda setting, there are two major yet basic assumptions that have to be considered; first the media and its press filter and would shape reality rather than reflect it. What also has to beShow MoreRelatedU.s. Policy Making Process1339 Words  | 6 Pages one must, accordingly, unders tand the various stages as well as the institutions involved in the same. More particularly, there are four key institutions involved in the U.S.’ policy making process; each of which play a significant role in the various stages of the process. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Naming Sytem in the Sukuma Society free essay sample
The paper also will observe the relationship between the Sukuma and neighbouring societies like the Nyamwezi. At the end of this research the paper is expected to fill the gape in the peoples mind or knowledge about the naming system by encouraging them especially Sukuma to value their language and traditions by adopting the names belonging to their culture. 1. 2Background of the Language of Study Kisukuma Language is one among the languages of Bantu speaking people found in Tanzania. The language Kisukuma is derived from the word Sukuma which means north. The people speaking this language are known as Basukuma (plural), Msukuma (Singular) (people from north). The Sukuma or Basukuma belongs to the largest ethnic group in Tanzania and the ancestors of the Sukuma were part of the extensive migrations of people speaking early forms of Bantu speech in the first millennium AD. 1. 2. 1Geographical Location The societies of the people speaking Kisukuma are basically located between Lake Victoria and Lake Rukwa. The Basukuma or Sukuma region lies between 2` 10’ and 6`20` south and 3100` and 35`00` east. The Sukuma live in North West Tanzania on or near the Southern shore of Lake Victoria and Various areas administrative Regions of Tanzania like Manyara, Simiyu, Shinyanga, Geita and in other area of Serengeti that are found in northern side. The Sukuma land covers an area of about 19000 square miles and is to a great extend uniform in its topography, altitude, geographical structure and rainfall. (It is a flat scrub less savannah plain between 910 and 1200 meters which is about 3000 and 4000 ft elevation. Twenty to forty inches (51cm to 100cm)f rainfall from November to March. High temperature range from 26`c to 32`c (79`f to 90`f) while lows at night seldom drops below 15`c (59`f). 1. 2. 2The Relationship with the neighbouring The Sukuma have a close relationship with the Nyamwezi (Banyamwezi). The Sukuma and Nyamwezi are ethnic groups that live principally in the region to the south of Lake Victoria in West-central Tanzania. The Nyamwezi home area is in Tabora Region and west Shinyanga Region, and Sukuma land lies to the north and east, covering eastern Shinyanga Region and also Mwanza region. Basukuma also have a good relationship with Bakurya (kurya) people from Mara Region. 1. 2. 3Classification of the Language ( linguistic affiliation) Kisukuma and Kinyamwezi are sometimes considered as single Bantu Language with several mutual intelligible dialects. These features include a seven vowel system, use of tone, true negative tense, class prefixes to indicate size, and restriction of double prefixes to determine situation. ( There are seven vowel qualities which occur long and short; / ii/ / II/ / UU/ / uu//e ee/ / oo/ / aa/ ) . Iu/ Which are written i u may be closer to [ e o ] and /e o/ closer to [ ]. Kisukuma language has gone through Dahl’s law (Idatu â€Å"three†from proto-Bantu – tatu) and has voiceless nasal consonants. Also there are four tones on short vowels namely high, low, rising and falling. 1. 2. 4Dialects of the Language The Kisukuma Language has dialects namely Kimunasukuma, KimunaNtuzu/Ginantuzu, Jinakiiya/ Jimunakiiya 1. 2. 5Number of Speakers of the Language The Kisukuma is the language of Basukuma who are living in Mwanza, Shinyanga, Geita, Tabora, and Zanzibar and in other Regions in Tanzania. The total numbers of the people who are speaking Kisukuma is unknown due to the fact that Tanzania censers are not based on ethnicities. But according to the information found from the Wikipedia the free encycropedia by October 2006/2007 the Sukuma speaking people numbers were almost 5. 5million. but up to date the exact number of the speakers of this language is unknown due to changes as some of the speakers are dying and others are been born everyday. 1. 2. 6Status of the Language Kisukuma is among the Best Bantu languages in Tanzania as the number of its speaker or the population of the Kisukuma speaking people increase and cover a large area. Kisukuma is spoken by many people all around Tanzania like in Mwanza, Mara, Geita, Shinyanga, Tabora, Zanzibar and in other region there are many Kisukuma speakers as well as outside the borders of Tanzania like Zambia and Congo as a result of movement stemmed from political factors, such as colonial cattle-culling policies, and from local overcrowding and deteriorating soil conditions. . 3Background of the study The system of naming people and other things is of great importance and every society in this world has its way of naming things and people based on consideration of different factors. John P. et al (2006) argues that â€Å"Naming depends on the particular culture from which they are framed, among many African cultures a name tells a lot about the individual that it signifies the language from which it drawn a nd the society that ascribes it. A name may indicate the linguistic structure and phonological process found in the language, the position of the name’s bearer in society, and the collective history and life experiences of the people surrounding the individual. †Names are obtained or given to children and other things brought different names based on culture of the societies, politics, religion, environment and so many other factors. Joseph B. (2010) explains that â€Å"For ancient African, human names were something living and carried from God the power of continuing existence †¦.. a concept that found its way into the Bible ( Isa. 6:22,30, and 27)†. The study also conducted by Mitchell about the naming system, Mitchell D. et all (2003) Discovered that â€Å"By investigating the etymology and significance of our names, we realize that naming-giving practice vary from one culture to another. In his study Mitchell asked student to explore naming, they were fascinated to her how different ra cial and ethic groups had different naming traditions†Mitchell observed that many of the Latino students had been named after some one special usually a relative who had a close relationship with the family. Many of the African American students found that their Parents had created a name especially for them. The Caucasian students were often named just because their parents liked the name. In some families a close friend had been allowed to choose their names as a sign of their importance to the family. †Hence the study needs a great understanding of different traditions and culture of the Sukuma society. 1. 3. 1Statement of the Problem Many researches conducted based on investigation and examination of the Linguistic remnants of African naming system or practice in different African Societies but many researches conducted concerning the Sukuma society based on investigation of Sukuma Morphology and Syntax of the Sukuma language, but the problem existing is that, there is no satisfying investigation on the Naming system in the Sukuma society based on Semantic aspect of the names found in the Sukuma society. Therefore to fill this gape, in this study (paper), I will conduct a research on the Naming system in the Sukuma Society basing on Semantic Analysis of the names found in the Sukuma society( language) by investigating how the names are given and their meaning and factors that are considered when giving names to the Sukuma society. 1. 3. 2Objectives of the Study The main objective of the study is to enhance to people the understanding of the naming system in the Sukuma society. The targeted objective of the study is to inform the name users about the naming system of the Sukuma society so as to enable them making a good choice of names as well as enabling them engaging in the exercise with better knowledge). The Specific objective objectives will be: -To investigate the naming system in the Sukuma society by looking on the names definite meanings and their deep social meanings. To fill the gape in people’s knowledge about the naming system so as to serve people who have a desir e to adopt African names (especially the Sukuma names) for self identity as Africans instead of copying or using names from Western countries. 1. 3. 3Significances of the Study The study is of significant as it will help people (especially the Sukuma) to be aware and to get an understanding of many aspects of their own names and it will help them to gain an insight on their own personal history and understanding how naming is a part of large cultural traditions by comparing heir own example to those of other societies of Africa and those from western countries. The study also will help in motivating Africans to value their traditional names (ethnical names), culture and their Languages. 1. 3. 4Research Questions The research Questions will be -What factors are considered when the process of naming children or other things is conducted? Is there any relationship between the selected or given name to an individual or to something else? What is the relationship between the given name and an individual? ) -Is there any an advantage or disadvantage of the name given to an individual to his or her life? (Is there any impact of the name given to an individual? ) 1. 3. 5The Scope of the Study The study will be carried out in Arusha City Council where by people belonging to the Sukuma Society are expected respondents to the research processes. Also Mobile calls will be used to call to different people especially elderly belonging to the Sukuma society from different regions in Tanzania such as Mwanza, Shinyanga, Tabora, Geita, and Zanzibar. In addition to that a research will be conducted through the use of Face book( for example through the Sukuma and Nyamwezi group), Badoo, Twitter and Tagged where by people belonging to Sukuma society will be asked the same research questions through these mentioned means of communications. 1. 4Limitation of the Study During the research process difficulties are expected to happen when the process of implementation will be taking place. Some of these difficulties will be: -Time factors, The process of collecting data from the respondents need time as some of them are far from Arusha and they have their own daily time table, hence there is a need of time arrangement between the researcher and the respondents so as to avoid interruption of the respondent’s timetable in order to get satisfying answers to the research questions. The research process will need transport, communication between the researcher and respondents through mobile calls, internet services and Stationary services, thus Money is needed so as to make the research process successful. SECTION TWO 2. Literature Review This section is going to present a review of various related literature work conducted or covered in previous studies about the Naming system in different societies. Through literature review a better understandin g about the naming system will be gained on how the process is conducted in different culture, the name given, their meaning to the life of the person. A study of the Bible in the book of Old testament and New testament show that the process of naming people existed since long-time ago as it happened even to the people who were selected by god to serve him and these names given to these people have their meaning to their life. ( Exodus 2:10 )show that Moses was given his name because his mother drew him out of river and this name literary means ‘to draw out†. Some names have aspects of person’s birth as happened to Moses, Jacob, and Samuel as the books of (Genesis 25:6 and 1samuel 1:20) are concerned. Also some of the names expressed the parents’ reaction to the birth of their children. For instance in the book of Genesis 21:6 shows the reaction of Parents to Isaac. The name Isaac means â€Å"Laugher†and the name Abimelech means â€Å" my father is king’ as seen in the book of Judges 8:31). Through deep study of the bible, there is no doubt that, names also were often used to express the nature and function of a person or to explain why a person was born, for example the book of (Mathew 1:20-21) explain itself about Jesus, the name Jesus literary means â€Å"the lord saves†hence the purpose of Jesus in the world is to save people from their sins. Therefore through studying the bible, the knowledge about the naming system is obtained and it will help in conducting a research about the naming system of in Sukuma society based on the semantic aspect of their language, culture and traditions by putting into considerations those important things in the naming system. SECTION THREE 3. Research methodology 3. 1 Research Approach A Qualitative research approach will be used during the research process so as to give freedom to respondents aimed at allowing them giving out their thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. Also it is because the process will involve the smaller number of participants due to the methods that will be used in data collection procedures like Questionnaire, in-depth interviews which are time and labour intensive but also because a large number of people are not needed for the purpose of statistical analysis or to make generalization from the given in formations. . 2The Area of the Study (Targeted Population ) The targeted population of the study that will be involved in the process will be fifty peoples belonging to the Sukuma society from Different areas in Tanzania especially from Mwanza, Shinyanga, Geita, Tabora, Zanzibar and Arusha as the place where the study will be carried out. But the most targeted population is of Elderly people as they know much about traditions. 3. 3Sampling techni ques The stratified systematic sampling technique will be used as the population of fifty respondents will be divided into known groups, and each group will be sampled using a systematic approach as well as the number that will be sampled in each group will be in proportion to its known size from the population. 3. 4Methods of Data Collection The data will be collected through the use of Questionnaire where by Questionnaires will be designed to be as simple and clear as possible, with targeted section and questions. The questions will be short and possible. Respondents will respond to fill out the form themselves. Also as far as mobile calls, face book, tweeter, Tagged and other means of communications will be used, hence there answers to the questions that will be given by the respondents who are using these means of communication will be considered during the sampling process and during data analysis, presentation, and interpretation procedures 3. 5Data analysis, Presentation and Interpretation Procedures Data collected will be analysed, presented and Interpreted based on the answers that will be given by respondents in the Questionnaires for completeness and consistency. For instance the use of frequency distribution table as well as descriptive statistics such as mean, mode, and media will be used to present data. 3. 6Expected outcomes At the end of the research people will be aware of their naming system by understanding and knowing the factors or criteria that are considered during the process or practice of giving names. Also people who have a desire to adopt Sukuma names and other Afri can names from different cultures will be encouraged to involve in the process with a good mind about the origin or ways of giving names in Sukuma society. 3. Budget $ Equipments/ Stationary services 30,000/= Transport 15,000/= Internet Services 10,000/= Participants/Respondents Support 20,000/= Emergency 25,000/= Total 100,000/= 3. 8Time schedule The research will take three weeks 4. References John, P. et al (2006) Selected proceedings of 35th Annual conference on African Linguistics: African Languages and Linguistic in Broad perspectives. Cascadilla proceedings project Summerville, MA. Cascadilla Press, USA. Bailey, J. 2010) Word Stories surrounding African American Slavery (www, jablifeskills. com) African naming Practice Wed. 22 Sept. 2010. Diana M. (1998) Tapping into Family Stories and Themes to Heighten End- of Year Engagement. English Journal 87. 4 (April 1998)65-69. Burell, B. et al (2003) â€Å"Exploring Heritage: Finding Window into our lives†Voice from the middle 10. 4(may 2003):33-36) Nelson, T (1985) The new Testament of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ (Property of the Gideon’s International), Nashville, Tennessee Publishers, USA. Bible societies of Kenya and Tanzania (1997) The Holy Bible in Kiswahili (Maandiko Matakatifu), Bible Society of Tanzania and Kenya publishers, Dodoma and Nairobi.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Unexpected Love free essay sample
Love Off the shores of the Atlantic Coast in South Carolina, was a man by the name of Jeremiah. Jeremiah was a very shy, but adventurous man. In addition to doing small cleaning duties at the local market, he loved to explore the ocean. Jeremiah didn’t have a stable income, but when he saved enough he bought himself some scuba gear. To him that was his second job. He always found exciting valuables on the oceans floor, such as old artifacts, which he kept. He also would find many jewels such as gold, rubies and sapphires. Having not much of an interest in jewelry, he sold them cheap to the local jewelry store. Although, there was one gem he always wished he could have; Theresa Stone, the jewelry store owner. Her eyes gleamed like the morning sun. She had the body of an Olympic Goddess. Her hair was smooth like rabbit’s fur. We will write a custom essay sample on Unexpected Love or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She had it all going for her. But Jeremiah, so madly in love, was always too star struck to make a move. â€Å"G-good m-morning Ms. Stone†stuttered Jeremiah. â€Å"Oh good morning Jeremiah! Find any stones this morning? †said Ms. Stone in excitement. U-uh yes! Yes I did. I found a small ruby. †â€Å"Excellent! How much you want for it? †asked Theresa. â€Å"O-oh no charge Ms. Stone. †said Jeremiah. He wanted to tell her that being in her presence was more than any amount of money she could have paid him, but of course he thought too low of himself. â€Å"Jeremiah †Theresa said shaking her head. â€Å"You can’t keep giving me free valuables like they are worth nothing! I’ve seen where you live, you must need the money. †She was right and Jeremiah knew it. Jeremiah lived in an old, rusty shack down by the beach. The shack looked as if it was beaten down by giants. Jeremiah had been giving Theresa most the gems and valuables he found while diving for free for quite some time now. Just hoping that one day she would realize how madly in love he was. â€Å"Ms. Stone my income in fine and these treasures are gifts out of respect I have for you. †Said Jeremiah with a face as red as a tomato. â€Å"Oh well Jeremiah I appreciate the gifts. They’re always beautiful and elegant. †â€Å"O-of course Ms. Stone-â€Å" â€Å"Please Jeremiah, call me Theresa†â€Å"Of course Theresa†¦ Have a fine day. †Jeremiah said with a grin of pure happiness. As Jeremiah left the store he heard a voice call him name. It was Theresa bolting out of the store. â€Å"Jeremiah! †exclaimed Theresa. â€Å"Could I ask you a favor, and I know you do already so much but this would mean a lot. †Anxious to hear the proposition Theresa was about to lie on the table, he nodded. â€Å"Could you by chance find me a pearl from an oyster? I-I’ve never seen one and we don’t carry pearls in our store. I just thought if you by chance see one.. †â€Å"Oh of course! †shouted Jeremiah. I find them all the time! I’ll have one to you by the weekend! †And with a smile as big as the Eiffel Tower, she turned and headed back into the store. The problem was, although only Jeremiah knew it, he lied. He has never in all his years of scuba diving found a precious pearl from an oyster. Puzzled, Jeremiah was trying to understand why he lied to Theresa. Surely she should have known how rare it is to find a pearl from an oyster around these shores. Mostly these shores are known for collecting treasures not producing them. Today was Wednesday. If Jeremiah really wanted to win Theresa heart he had to complete this obscene task. He also didn’t want to find any ordinary pearl; he wanted to find the most impressive pearl a woman have ever seen. When he arrived at his home he stood in front of the shack, thinking back on Theresa’s words. I’ve seen where you live, you must need the money. †Jeremiah took a glance around the shack. Parts of the roof missing, holes in the floors, water barely dripping. â€Å"Maybe I really do need the money†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He said to himself. He grabbed his scuba gear and set off for the long journey of underwater adventure. Walking t o the shore, he still pondered the thought of; â€Å"What if I really did keep all those treasures and sold them? I could have so much more. †But then he came back into reality, and knew that if sacrificing all that money meant acquiring Theresa’s love, then it’s worth it. Spending days in and out of the water, Jeremiah had found many treasures, more than he would acquire in maybe 3 months at a time, but still no pearls. He had searched oyster after oyster, but still nothing. He had found a couple small pearls but he wanted to impress Theresa with one so dazzling, it looked as if it belongs to a queen. It was Friday morning and Jeremiah went to set off one last time. He flipped up oyster after oyster, nothing. He became so frustrated and so determined he began ignoring all other treasures he laid his eyes on, only in search of the precious pearl. Oyster after oyster he began to become dissatisfied and upset that he could not please the women he loves. As he was about to come up to the surface he spotted one last oyster shell. He picked it up and threw it in frustration. After the cloud of sand vanished, there lay, one of the most gorgeous things he ever laid eyes on. It was the pearl. This wasn’t just any pearl. This pearl was big. He swam over to the oyster and picked it up. He rushed to the surface of the water because he knew the store where Theresa would be waiting was about to close for the night. He got out of the water, dried off the water from his body, grabbed and polished the pearl, and rushed to the store. When he reached the store Theresa was just closing down, and her head hanging in disappointment. Jeremiah banged on the door in excitement. â€Å"Theresa! Theresa! †exclaimed Jeremiah. With a great grin on her face she rushed to open the door. Jeremiah barged in and showed her the pearl. â€Å"I have here the second most beautiful thing I have ever seen. †Said Jeremiah â€Å"What’s the first? †Theresa said in curiousity. â€Å"You. †Jeremiah then pulled her in close, and gave her the kiss he been dreaming of all his life.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Dantes Divine Comedy and Chaucers Canterbury Tales
Dantes Divine Comedy and Chaucers Canterbury Tales English literature is one of the most fascinating and interesting types of literature in the whole world. Lots of foreign masterpieces are translated into English in order to provide people with opportunities to enjoy these works in the international language. This is why world literature, including African, Asian, European, and American works, is usually presented in English. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Dante’s Divine Comedy and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Authors from different times and cultures add something new and unforgettable to the literature world and deserve to be analyzed during the literature classes. Dante Alighieri is considered to be one of the most famous Florentine poets. His Divine Comedy, created in 1308, impresses plenty of readers even now. Numerous writers used his style of writing after his death, and one of such followers was Geoffrey Chauce r, an English poet, famous by The Canterbury Tales. Dante’s Divine Comedy and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales have lots in common: the authors preferred to write about their journeys and describe people they met there, liked to put themselves into their works as integral parts of the plot’s development, and chose one and the same vernacular writing style for most of their works. Dante Alighieri and Geoffrey Chaucer are probably the two most famous and greatest writers of the European Middle Ages. â€Å"Both Dante and Chaucer were active in affairs of their times.†(Hetherington 179) Because of their occupations and abilities to travel and meet new people, they had wonderful opportunities to use their life experiences in their works. For example, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales tell about a group of people, which try to find something to do during their travelling. â€Å"I had so talked with each of that presently/ I was a member of their company/ And promi sed to rise early the next day/ To start, as I shall show, upon our way.†(Lawall 1702) Dante’s Divine Comedy is about another kind of travelling, the travel to Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. The major idea of both these stories is that people may change their preferences and styles of life during their travelling. New people, new places, and new emotions – this is what so important for humans in order to change their lives. It does not matter whether these lives are improved or completely destroyed. Here, the major point is the factor of change, and this is the only thing that matters something. Someone may say that writing styles of Dante and Chaucer are quite different. Well, of course, every author presents his/her own vision of details. Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, no one will argue that vernacular style is the thing that is inherent to both of them. With the help of such language, Dante and Chaucer made their works more comprehensible to the public and reflected their ideas in everyday traditional speech. They both were connected to the economic sphere of life of their countries. This is why money and language may be considered as the major analogues in their works. â€Å"The crowds, the countless, different mutilations/ had stunned my eyes and left them so confused/ they wanted to keep looking and to weep.†(Dante and Musa 335) Another point in these both stories is authors’ involvement into the development of the events in the story. Dante did not afraid to present himself as one of the characters in The Divine Comedy. The character of Dante speaks to several characters, who present him their own stories. He analyzes, evaluates, and makes necessary conclusions. He is not stupid and has a lot in mind that will help to change this world. â€Å"I saw it, I’m sure, and I seem to s ee it still/ a body with no head that moved along/ moving no differently from all the rest.†(Dante and Musa 329) Chaucer, in his turn, is a kind of guide to the world of his stories. He introduces each character and describes him/her from his own perspective: â€Å"I told him his opinion made me glad/ Why should he study always and go mad/ mewed in his cell with only a book for neighbor?†(Chaucer and Morrison 58) However, the reader still feels the participation of the authors in both these stories. Such author’s involvement make an writer a bit closer to the reader, so that the reader can comprehend what actually Dante or Chaucer wanted to say. There are â€Å"no one doubts that Chaucer read Dante’s Commedia.†(Taylor 1) It does not mean that Chaucer had no ideas to create something his own. The major idea is his vision of the story, his desire to be a bit closer to his teacher, Dante. Not every writer is able to create something like The Divine Comedy, and Chaucer made a magnificent attempt and created a wonderful story, in Dante’s style with variety of personal ideas and standpoints. Writing about personal travels, using the vernacular writing style and personal participation in the events of the story – this is what unites Dante’s Divine Comedy and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and makes both of them really great masterpieces in the literature of the Middle Ages.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Dante’s Divine Comedy and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Chaucer, Geoffrey and Morrison, Theodore. The Portable Chaucer: Revised Edition. New York: Penguin, 1977. Dante, Alighieri and Musa, Mark. The Divine Comedy: Inferno. New York: Penguin Classics, 2003. Hetherington, Norriss, S. Cosmology: Historical, Literary, Philosophical, Religious, and Scientific Perspectives. Taylor Francis, 1993. Law all, Sarah. The Norton Anthology of Western Literature. New York: Norton, 2006. Taylor, Karla. Chaucer Reads â€Å"The Divine Comedy.†Stanford University Press, 1989.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
A striking feature of weak states is that they face very few Essay
A striking feature of weak states is that they face very few challenges from the people living in them. Why do weak states persist - Essay Example Research and analysis revel that the major contributor of weak states’ persistence is international support and assistance. Political scientists’ perception about the concept of state relies on Max Weber’s definition which entitles state as a corporate group that: holds a certain jurisdiction; practices continuous organization; maintains monopoly of power over territory and its population, in addition to all activities in its jurisdiction. The concept is primarily based on empirical and de facto aspects of statehood. The test for Weber’s state is the claim to monopoly of force in its jurisdiction. It implies that if an internal or external group or organization gets the hold and monopolistic control of a certain jurisdiction, it becomes a state. When there are several groups contesting for the same territory, and none can get control over and practice monopolistic force, Weber attributes this situation as â€Å"statelessness†(qtd. in Jackson and Carl 2-3). According to Weber’s empirical approach to statehood, many African states can be disqualified from the status of being a state because they don’t practice monopoly of force over their territorial jurisdiction. Rivals to the national government effectively established monopoly in some of the cases. Absence of continuous control of a permanent political organization and anarchy exist in these states. Regardless of the lacking governmental control, anarchy, and uncertainty, these states persist as members of international society of states. If we consider that the empirical statehood led to the persistence of state, some of the African states must disqualify. However, they persist and none of the claimant governments who practiced de facto control could establish new states in the particular area (Jackson and Carl 3). States definition that is based on juridical attributes of statehood is Ian Brownlie’s. He defines state as a legal person authorized by international law.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Principle of Fashion Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Principle of Fashion Marketing - Essay Example The essay "Principle of Fashion Marketing" concerns the fashion marketing. The growth history of the Louis Vuitton has been awarded with the reward of world’s most valuable luxury brand for the six consecutive years from 2006 to 2012. The recognition as world’s most luxury brand has also enabled the company to gain high market valuation. The market valuation of the Louis Vuitton was about 25.9 billion USD in the year 2012. The underlying essay aims at analysing brand position of Louis Vuitton. The brand analysis of the company will be done in accordance with the stepwise framework of PEST analysis, MICRO analysis, market segmentation, target market strategy, etc. The marketing mix of the company will also be presented in order to specific ideas regarding product, pricing, place and promotional strategy being adopted by the company. The assessment of branding and marketing perspective of the company in light of the above mentioned frameworks will facilitate in identifyin g challenges likely to incur in the next three years and solutions in the form of recommendations to handle such challenges. PEST analysis is the most widely adopted tool of performing macro environment analysis of the company. PEST analysis represents the acronym of political, economic, legal and technological analysis of the concerned company. This dimension of PEST analysis takes into consideration political structure, stability and regulating or governing philosophy behind respective government. France is one of the developed country. with stable political environment. The political atmosphere of the country is favourable with no political trouble, crisis, conflict or any adverse situation. The favourable political climate has attracted many investors to invest money in the Louis Vuitton expansion strategies. The establishment of any business operation in the France requires a fixed investment limit of 1500000 Euros (France Country Report, 2011). The fixed investment limit act a s a obstacle for many international enterprises. But, France government has tried to convert this obstacle into opportunity by announcing various tax saving schemes to business organisations of France. Moreover, France government also do not hold any strict religious belief and customs and thus facilitates the entry of every business enterprise having any religious background and customs. The favourable political conditions have facilitated the Louis Vuitton to a wide extent in carrying the business operations and pursuing international expansion strategies in France without any difficulty. Economic Economic conditions and factors also play a significant role in determining success of any business operation. The economic variables take into account inflation and interest rates, unemployment condition, Gross domestic product (GDP), and many more. The GDP rate of France was being considered as stronger in the year 2011 with the surprising growth of about 1.85%. The economy of France w as considered as fifth largest in the world and second largest in the Europe. It is also being recognised as one of the wealthiest European country and world’s fourth largest wealthiest nation. The aggregate household wealth of the economy was about 2.6 million dollar in the year 2012 demonstrating growth history of France (France Country Report, 2011). The inflation and unemployment rate of the France economy was also
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Critical Thinking Discussion and Summary Essay Example for Free
Critical Thinking Discussion and Summary Essay I dont know if there is a universal correct definition of critical thinking. I think this a very individualistic tool used by humans to break down different problems and situations and the best way to go about coming up with the best resolution in a non-biased manner. Gathering a thought process that is reasonable and with demeanor. This is simply how I would personally define critical thinking. Thinking things over more than once, second guessing yourself here and there, seeing things from multiple perspectives, and most importantly thinking if your thoughts would be different from the other side of an argument or situation. I think critical thinking is important for us to fully understand ourselves and our situations as well as others and their situations. Critical thinking is considering multiple angles and viewpoints and trying to understand them and where they come from, as well as why they exist. In my life personally, critical thinking has always been something I would like to think Ive had due to being raised in a very diverse atmosphere and a very diverse community. Ive seen racism towards more than one race, Ive seen both sides of different biases, and I have lived in a small town closed minded community as well as the middle of a large densely populated city. It makes you think differently than most around you. It seems like you feel differently than most around you. There isnt much that surprises you so there arent many situations that you are uncomfortable in. You think before you act, you think before you speak, and you take time and consideration to realize the type of environment you are in and the people you are surrounded by. Things like this dont go through every young persons mind before acting or speaking. You slow down, you react calmer, and you try not to get too high or too low. From this course I dont think Im looking for how to think critically as much as why some of us do think critically and some of us dont. I think Im looking for more reasoning for the differential than a definition of critical thinking.
Monday, January 20, 2020
France Essay -- essays research papers
France is a beautiful and captivating country full of art, culture, and an important historical background. It is in the heart of Europe and is sometimes called "The Hexagon", Because of it’s shape. It is the largest country in Western Europe and covers about 211,200 square miles. Four different waters surround the French coastline, this includes; the North Sea, the English Channel, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. The capital of France is Paris, on the banks of the Seine River. Sometimes called the "The City of Lights", Paris has been admired and loved by millions for centuries. It is an industrial center as well. Paris is world renowned as a cultural and intellectual center which holds many masterpieces. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, and today is 1,052 ft. high. It welcomes tourists from all over the world. The revolution of 1789 was a very important part of history. The people could be divided into three groups, the Nobles, the Clergy, and the rest. At this time the peasants owned 80 percent of the land, but had no rights at all. To add to their misery, the food was in short supply. It is estimated that on the eve of the French Revolution one-fifth of the population had no resources at all. World War I broke out August 1914, setting France, Russia, Britain, Belgiumand Serbia at war with Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Everyone assumed the war would be over in a few months. Instead, the war lasted for four years. Germany finally agreed to sign an armistice on November 11, 1948. (A kind of peace agreement). The death toll had been the largest of any previous wars. France had lost over 1.4 million men and in all of Europe over 8.5 million were killed. People said it was the war to end all wars. Only twenty years later France was plunged into another war with Germany. On June 22, 1940 France was forced to sign an agreement with Germany. By 1942 France was totally occupied by the Nazi army. This was a very hard time, Jews were persecuted and thousands were sent off to concentration camps. Eventually, in the summer of 1944 France was freed, and the occupation was over. The President is head of the government and is elected by the ... ...s developed a number of ways of producing energy. Such as dams, Solar energy, hydroelectricity or "white coal", hot springs, and tidal energy. France has had an important nuclear power program since 1967. Two-thirds of the country’s electricity is produced by atomic energy. France’s transportation system centers on Paris which is the heart of a network that stretches to all parts of France. Trains are an important source of transportation throughout France. The latest in a line of new fast trains, which includes the mistral and the Turbo trains, is the high-speed TGV. This train averages 133 miles per hour. The French railway of SNCF has a reputation for being fast, efficient, and reliable. It is also punctual. So much emphasis is placed on punctuality that is an engineer does not keep on time, he is fined. Also roads, air, and water travel is important to France. Communications are expanding widely in France. Mainly in ways such as telephone, television, radios, and newspapers. The national language of France is French. French was once the language used by diplomats all over the world. In this study, I have learned a lot about France and I hope to visit there someday.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Female power in Macbeth and ‘The Laboratory Essay
Likewise Lady Macbeth exploits her sexual hold over Macbeth as means to persuade him to commit murder. ‘And you would be so much How do the writers explore female power in Macbeth and ‘The Laboratory’? In this essay I will be writing about female power in Macbeth and ‘The Laboratory’. I will be analyzing them both to show the similarities and differences between the two pieces. Both include a strong, crafty and dominant female character and Shakespeare and Browning explore these characters fully and in great detail. Both the speaker in ‘The Laboratory’ and Lady Macbeth strive to maintain their innocent images. The speaker in ‘The Laboratory’ wants to kill by means of administering a harmless looking object. She describes the potion as being an ‘yonder soft phial, the exquisite blue’ leading the reader to believe that what is actually deadly, is not. The speaker remains above reproach free to reclaim her love. Lady Macbeth is a sinister character, she tells Macbeth he must ‘look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t’. In other words he must portray pure and innocent qualities whilst being prepared to act with murderous intent. The key words in this quotation are â€Å"innocent†and â€Å"serpent†. They are a contracting pair demonstrating the manipulative and two faced nature of Lady Macbeth. Both Browning and Shakespeare build their characters in this way to ensure the audience are left with no sympathy for them. Both writers skillfully paint a picture of vengeful women who are prepared to stop at nothing to achieve their desires. Lady Macbeth uses flirtatious behavior and language in the same way the speaker in ‘The Laboratory’. Their aim is to seduce the male characters in order to get what they want. In ‘ The Laboratory’ the narrator uses sexual blackmail to encourage the apothecary to believe that it is acceptable for him to create the poison. She takes great pleasure in watching its preparation, she is hungry for revenge. Yet when it is finished she says ‘You may kiss me old man on my mouth,’ she clearly wants to reward his actions with a degree of intimacy rather than any financial reward; She is willing to use her sexual allure to get what she wants. In this way she is transgressing her marriage vows by seeking intimate contact with a man other than her husband whilst using her natural attractiveness to her benefit. Likewise Lady Macbeth exploits her sexual hold over Macbeth as means to persuade him to commit murder. ‘And you would be so much more a man’ Lady Macbeth uses this as sexual blackmail to convince Macbeth into killing King Duncan. This works because Macbeth wants to impress his wife and to show her that he deserves his manhood. Both characters have this quality in common it’s how’s the audience how manipulative they can be. Both the speaker in ‘The a Laboratory’ and Lady Macbeth use persuasive language as a means of exerting power over men. Lady Macbeth persuades a husband to obey her through the use of shock tactics. Other than titillating him she says that she would have ‘clashed the brains out’ of her child than breaking a promise to have killed the King. In this way she seems pretty disregarding of her responsibility as a potential mother and viciously brutal. The audience in Shakespeare’s time would have considered her to be unatural as she does not seem bothered by the horrible image she has created. The speaker in the Laboratory uses compliments and flattery to persuade the apothecary that making the poison is an okay thing to do. ‘Thee and thy treasures’ is used as an example of how the narrator bigs up his work. Browning and Shakespeare use this to show female power because it shows that both of the characters have so much power over men.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Fashion Management Design Lulu Lemon Brand Free Essay Example, 2000 words
The brand sells the invitation to desired healthy life via the creation of the network of fitness and yoga instructors as hosts of various events. According to the chosen strategy and the policy of the Lululemon, being green and eco-friendly is one of the fundamentals of the company as the lifestyle propagandized comes hand-in-hand with the perception of the healthy planet. Due to the website Lululemon is pushing sustainable agenda, and the extensive language is used to describe the anxiety about the reduction of the carbon footprint, huge investments into new technologies and safety. However, the Carbon Disclosure Project revealed that the level of carbon reduction is one of the lowest within the industry. There is one place, though, where Lululemon can be viewed as a leader – it is the stance on healthy forests (Horan, 2011). The company is engaged into Canopy Planet project, aimed at ending of forest fibre use in apparel manufacturing. Thus, the relationships with the environment are considerably satisfying; there is still a lot to be done (Yohn, 2014). Lululemon has a number of dark pages in its history (Machelot, 2014). We will write a custom essay sample on Fashion Management Design Lulu Lemon Brand or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The situation with the Carbon Disclosure project and the failure of disclosure of relevant information obviously are to indicate, there is a problem with the ethical matter within the company. But much more damage to the brand image was caused by the founder of Lululemon, Chip Wilson, and the comments he made, which were totally inappropriate and were of racist and sexist nature. Also, the company was involved into a scandal concerning the poor quality of the product through a huge number of complaints on the official website and Facebook page. Rather than apologize, the company defended their product quality and suggested the problem lay with clients, not with the product (Machelot, 2014). Table 2. Lululemon’s sales rate after the scandal Source: Yahoo Finance As it can be seen from the figure above, the connection between social and economic aspects is obvious; it is not the quality problem that had the impact on the overall sales rate, but the ill communication that occurred further which consequently led to unsatisfying results. In general, the problems within the company are connected with the ethics, and approach to the social responsibility tenets can be viewed as ‘average’ and leaves much to be desired, which is not enough in pursuit of success. There are internal issues that deteriorated the reputation and they still present a threat for the company’s future.
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