Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Naming Sytem in the Sukuma Society free essay sample

The paper also will observe the relationship between the Sukuma and neighbouring societies like the Nyamwezi. At the end of this research the paper is expected to fill the gape in the peoples mind or knowledge about the naming system by encouraging them especially Sukuma to value their language and traditions by adopting the names belonging to their culture. 1. 2Background of the Language of Study Kisukuma Language is one among the languages of Bantu speaking people found in Tanzania. The language Kisukuma is derived from the word Sukuma which means north. The people speaking this language are known as Basukuma (plural), Msukuma (Singular) (people from north). The Sukuma or Basukuma belongs to the largest ethnic group in Tanzania and the ancestors of the Sukuma were part of the extensive migrations of people speaking early forms of Bantu speech in the first millennium AD. 1. 2. 1Geographical Location The societies of the people speaking Kisukuma are basically located between Lake Victoria and Lake Rukwa. The Basukuma or Sukuma region lies between 2` 10’ and 6`20` south and 3100` and 35`00` east. The Sukuma live in North West Tanzania on or near the Southern shore of Lake Victoria and Various areas administrative Regions of Tanzania like Manyara, Simiyu, Shinyanga, Geita and in other area of Serengeti that are found in northern side. The Sukuma land covers an area of about 19000 square miles and is to a great extend uniform in its topography, altitude, geographical structure and rainfall. (It is a flat scrub less savannah plain between 910 and 1200 meters which is about 3000 and 4000 ft elevation. Twenty to forty inches (51cm to 100cm)f rainfall from November to March. High temperature range from 26`c to 32`c (79`f to 90`f) while lows at night seldom drops below 15`c (59`f). 1. 2. 2The Relationship with the neighbouring The Sukuma have a close relationship with the Nyamwezi (Banyamwezi). The Sukuma and Nyamwezi are ethnic groups that live principally in the region to the south of Lake Victoria in West-central Tanzania. The Nyamwezi home area is in Tabora Region and west Shinyanga Region, and Sukuma land lies to the north and east, covering eastern Shinyanga Region and also Mwanza region. Basukuma also have a good relationship with Bakurya (kurya) people from Mara Region. 1. 2. 3Classification of the Language ( linguistic affiliation) Kisukuma and Kinyamwezi are sometimes considered as single Bantu Language with several mutual intelligible dialects. These features include a seven vowel system, use of tone, true negative tense, class prefixes to indicate size, and restriction of double prefixes to determine situation. ( There are seven vowel qualities which occur long and short; / ii/ / II/ / UU/ / uu//e ee/ / oo/ / aa/ ) . Iu/ Which are written i u may be closer to [ e o ] and /e o/ closer to [ ]. Kisukuma language has gone through Dahl’s law (Idatu â€Å"three† from proto-Bantu – tatu) and has voiceless nasal consonants. Also there are four tones on short vowels namely high, low, rising and falling. 1. 2. 4Dialects of the Language The Kisukuma Language has dialects namely Kimunasukuma, KimunaNtuzu/Ginantuzu, Jinakiiya/ Jimunakiiya 1. 2. 5Number of Speakers of the Language The Kisukuma is the language of Basukuma who are living in Mwanza, Shinyanga, Geita, Tabora, and Zanzibar and in other Regions in Tanzania. The total numbers of the people who are speaking Kisukuma is unknown due to the fact that Tanzania censers are not based on ethnicities. But according to the information found from the Wikipedia the free encycropedia by October 2006/2007 the Sukuma speaking people numbers were almost 5. 5million. but up to date the exact number of the speakers of this language is unknown due to changes as some of the speakers are dying and others are been born everyday. 1. 2. 6Status of the Language Kisukuma is among the Best Bantu languages in Tanzania as the number of its speaker or the population of the Kisukuma speaking people increase and cover a large area. Kisukuma is spoken by many people all around Tanzania like in Mwanza, Mara, Geita, Shinyanga, Tabora, Zanzibar and in other region there are many Kisukuma speakers as well as outside the borders of Tanzania like Zambia and Congo as a result of movement stemmed from political factors, such as colonial cattle-culling policies, and from local overcrowding and deteriorating soil conditions. . 3Background of the study The system of naming people and other things is of great importance and every society in this world has its way of naming things and people based on consideration of different factors. John P. et al (2006) argues that â€Å"Naming depends on the particular culture from which they are framed, among many African cultures a name tells a lot about the individual that it signifies the language from which it drawn a nd the society that ascribes it. A name may indicate the linguistic structure and phonological process found in the language, the position of the name’s bearer in society, and the collective history and life experiences of the people surrounding the individual. † Names are obtained or given to children and other things brought different names based on culture of the societies, politics, religion, environment and so many other factors. Joseph B. (2010) explains that â€Å"For ancient African, human names were something living and carried from God the power of continuing existence †¦.. a concept that found its way into the Bible ( Isa. 6:22,30, and 27)†. The study also conducted by Mitchell about the naming system, Mitchell D. et all (2003) Discovered that â€Å"By investigating the etymology and significance of our names, we realize that naming-giving practice vary from one culture to another. In his study Mitchell asked student to explore naming, they were fascinated to her how different ra cial and ethic groups had different naming traditions† Mitchell observed that many of the Latino students had been named after some one special usually a relative who had a close relationship with the family. Many of the African American students found that their Parents had created a name especially for them. The Caucasian students were often named just because their parents liked the name. In some families a close friend had been allowed to choose their names as a sign of their importance to the family. † Hence the study needs a great understanding of different traditions and culture of the Sukuma society. 1. 3. 1Statement of the Problem Many researches conducted based on investigation and examination of the Linguistic remnants of African naming system or practice in different African Societies but many researches conducted concerning the Sukuma society based on investigation of Sukuma Morphology and Syntax of the Sukuma language, but the problem existing is that, there is no satisfying investigation on the Naming system in the Sukuma society based on Semantic aspect of the names found in the Sukuma society. Therefore to fill this gape, in this study (paper), I will conduct a research on the Naming system in the Sukuma Society basing on Semantic Analysis of the names found in the Sukuma society( language) by investigating how the names are given and their meaning and factors that are considered when giving names to the Sukuma society. 1. 3. 2Objectives of the Study The main objective of the study is to enhance to people the understanding of the naming system in the Sukuma society. The targeted objective of the study is to inform the name users about the naming system of the Sukuma society so as to enable them making a good choice of names as well as enabling them engaging in the exercise with better knowledge). The Specific objective objectives will be: -To investigate the naming system in the Sukuma society by looking on the names definite meanings and their deep social meanings. To fill the gape in people’s knowledge about the naming system so as to serve people who have a desir e to adopt African names (especially the Sukuma names) for self identity as Africans instead of copying or using names from Western countries. 1. 3. 3Significances of the Study The study is of significant as it will help people (especially the Sukuma) to be aware and to get an understanding of many aspects of their own names and it will help them to gain an insight on their own personal history and understanding how naming is a part of large cultural traditions by comparing heir own example to those of other societies of Africa and those from western countries. The study also will help in motivating Africans to value their traditional names (ethnical names), culture and their Languages. 1. 3. 4Research Questions The research Questions will be -What factors are considered when the process of naming children or other things is conducted? Is there any relationship between the selected or given name to an individual or to something else? What is the relationship between the given name and an individual? ) -Is there any an advantage or disadvantage of the name given to an individual to his or her life? (Is there any impact of the name given to an individual? ) 1. 3. 5The Scope of the Study The study will be carried out in Arusha City Council where by people belonging to the Sukuma Society are expected respondents to the research processes. Also Mobile calls will be used to call to different people especially elderly belonging to the Sukuma society from different regions in Tanzania such as Mwanza, Shinyanga, Tabora, Geita, and Zanzibar. In addition to that a research will be conducted through the use of Face book( for example through the Sukuma and Nyamwezi group), Badoo, Twitter and Tagged where by people belonging to Sukuma society will be asked the same research questions through these mentioned means of communications. 1. 4Limitation of the Study During the research process difficulties are expected to happen when the process of implementation will be taking place. Some of these difficulties will be: -Time factors, The process of collecting data from the respondents need time as some of them are far from Arusha and they have their own daily time table, hence there is a need of time arrangement between the researcher and the respondents so as to avoid interruption of the respondent’s timetable in order to get satisfying answers to the research questions. The research process will need transport, communication between the researcher and respondents through mobile calls, internet services and Stationary services, thus Money is needed so as to make the research process successful. SECTION TWO 2. Literature Review This section is going to present a review of various related literature work conducted or covered in previous studies about the Naming system in different societies. Through literature review a better understandin g about the naming system will be gained on how the process is conducted in different culture, the name given, their meaning to the life of the person. A study of the Bible in the book of Old testament and New testament show that the process of naming people existed since long-time ago as it happened even to the people who were selected by god to serve him and these names given to these people have their meaning to their life. ( Exodus 2:10 )show that Moses was given his name because his mother drew him out of river and this name literary means ‘to draw out†. Some names have aspects of person’s birth as happened to Moses, Jacob, and Samuel as the books of (Genesis 25:6 and 1samuel 1:20) are concerned. Also some of the names expressed the parents’ reaction to the birth of their children. For instance in the book of Genesis 21:6 shows the reaction of Parents to Isaac. The name Isaac means â€Å"Laugher† and the name Abimelech means â€Å" my father is king’ as seen in the book of Judges 8:31). Through deep study of the bible, there is no doubt that, names also were often used to express the nature and function of a person or to explain why a person was born, for example the book of (Mathew 1:20-21) explain itself about Jesus, the name Jesus literary means â€Å"the lord saves† hence the purpose of Jesus in the world is to save people from their sins. Therefore through studying the bible, the knowledge about the naming system is obtained and it will help in conducting a research about the naming system of in Sukuma society based on the semantic aspect of their language, culture and traditions by putting into considerations those important things in the naming system. SECTION THREE 3. Research methodology 3. 1 Research Approach A Qualitative research approach will be used during the research process so as to give freedom to respondents aimed at allowing them giving out their thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. Also it is because the process will involve the smaller number of participants due to the methods that will be used in data collection procedures like Questionnaire, in-depth interviews which are time and labour intensive but also because a large number of people are not needed for the purpose of statistical analysis or to make generalization from the given in formations. . 2The Area of the Study (Targeted Population ) The targeted population of the study that will be involved in the process will be fifty peoples belonging to the Sukuma society from Different areas in Tanzania especially from Mwanza, Shinyanga, Geita, Tabora, Zanzibar and Arusha as the place where the study will be carried out. But the most targeted population is of Elderly people as they know much about traditions. 3. 3Sampling techni ques The stratified systematic sampling technique will be used as the population of fifty respondents will be divided into known groups, and each group will be sampled using a systematic approach as well as the number that will be sampled in each group will be in proportion to its known size from the population. 3. 4Methods of Data Collection The data will be collected through the use of Questionnaire where by Questionnaires will be designed to be as simple and clear as possible, with targeted section and questions. The questions will be short and possible. Respondents will respond to fill out the form themselves. Also as far as mobile calls, face book, tweeter, Tagged and other means of communications will be used, hence there answers to the questions that will be given by the respondents who are using these means of communication will be considered during the sampling process and during data analysis, presentation, and interpretation procedures 3. 5Data analysis, Presentation and Interpretation Procedures Data collected will be analysed, presented and Interpreted based on the answers that will be given by respondents in the Questionnaires for completeness and consistency. For instance the use of frequency distribution table as well as descriptive statistics such as mean, mode, and media will be used to present data. 3. 6Expected outcomes At the end of the research people will be aware of their naming system by understanding and knowing the factors or criteria that are considered during the process or practice of giving names. Also people who have a desire to adopt Sukuma names and other Afri can names from different cultures will be encouraged to involve in the process with a good mind about the origin or ways of giving names in Sukuma society. 3. Budget $ Equipments/ Stationary services 30,000/= Transport 15,000/= Internet Services 10,000/= Participants/Respondents Support 20,000/= Emergency 25,000/= Total 100,000/= 3. 8Time schedule The research will take three weeks 4. References John, P. et al (2006) Selected proceedings of 35th Annual conference on African Linguistics: African Languages and Linguistic in Broad perspectives. Cascadilla proceedings project Summerville, MA. Cascadilla Press, USA. Bailey, J. 2010) Word Stories surrounding African American Slavery (www, jablifeskills. com) African naming Practice Wed. 22 Sept. 2010. Diana M. (1998) Tapping into Family Stories and Themes to Heighten End- of Year Engagement. English Journal 87. 4 (April 1998)65-69. Burell, B. et al (2003) â€Å"Exploring Heritage: Finding Window into our lives† Voice from the middle 10. 4(may 2003):33-36) Nelson, T (1985) The new Testament of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ (Property of the Gideon’s International), Nashville, Tennessee Publishers, USA. Bible societies of Kenya and Tanzania (1997) The Holy Bible in Kiswahili (Maandiko Matakatifu), Bible Society of Tanzania and Kenya publishers, Dodoma and Nairobi.

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